

It is one of the 24 divisions of the old calendar and this year is April 4. In China, it is called Seimeisetsu, and it is a national event to visit ancestors’ graves and clean them. A time when everything is bright, clean and beautiful. On this day, I climbed my favorite Mt. Azuma and enjoyed the cherry blossoms in full bloom. It was like heaven.


2020年4月4日 神奈川県二宮町

柴又帝釈天,Shibamata Taishakuten,柴又帝释天

正式名称は、経栄山題経寺(きょうえいざん だいきょうじ)。帝釈天はもともとはインドの神で、仏教に取り入れられて仏を守る神となった。超人気映画シリーズ『男はつらいよ』ゆかりの寺。最寄りの京成電鉄柴又駅を降りると、寅さんとさくらの像が迎えてくれる。境内の御神水と言われる湧き水で手を洗い、お参りした。新型ウイルスの影響か、いつも参拝客で賑わっている参道には人影がまばらだった。近くの江戸川の土手に登り、柴又の街に沈んでいく夕陽を眺めた。柴又から松戸方面へ江戸川を渡る“矢切の渡し”はすぐそばにある。

It’s official name is Kyoeizan Daikyoji. Taishakuten was originally an Indian god and became a god to protect Buddha after being introduced to Buddhism. This temple associated with the extremely popular movie series “Otoko ha tsuraiyo(Men are hard)”. When you get off at the nearest station, Shibamata Station of the Keisei Electric Railway, the Tora-san and Sakura statues welcome you. I washed my hands in the spring water called goshinsui in the precincts and prayed. Probably because of the new virus, there were few people on the approach, which was always crowded with visitors. Going up the banks of the nearby Edo River, I saw the sunset sinking into the town of Shibamata. The “Yagiri no Watashi” crossing the Edo-gawa River from Shibamata toward Matsudo is located nearby.


2020年3月5日 東京都葛飾区柴又

立春,the beginning of spring,立春

冬至から春分の日の中間に当たり、春分の日までに初めて吹く強い南風を春一番と呼ぶ。中国では春餅(ちゅんびん)を食べる風習がある。令和に入り初めての立春。神奈川県二宮町の吾妻山では菜の花が満開を迎えていた。日の入りもどこか優しい。雪解や春立つ一日あたゝかし 子規

The first day of spring according to the lunar calendar falls between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox, and the first strong south wind to blow before the vernal equinox is called haruichiban. In China, there is a custom of eating Chunbin. This is the first day of spring in the Reiwa Period. Rape blossoms were in full bloom on Mt. Azuma in Ninomiyamachi, Kanagawa Prefecture. The sunset is kind.


2020年 2月4日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山

江の島詣で,Enoshima pilgrimage,江之岛参拜


Enoshima has a long history as a sacred ground, and it is said that the first shrine was built in Iwaya, a cave on the Pacific Ocean side in the era of Emperor Kinmei. In the Edo period, pilgrimages to Enoshima from Edo to pray for the safety of the family became popular. I also visited Enoshima Daishi (The principal image is Fudo Myoo.), which is related to Kobo Daishi and one of the three great Benten shrines in Japan, Enoshima Shrine. At the end I saw the sunset over the Izu Peninsula from Chigogafuchi.


2020年1月21日 神奈川県藤沢市 江の島

新年 凧揚げ, New Year Kite flying, 新年 放风筝


There are kites all over the world, and it is interesting to see kites in various shapes depending on the country, such as insects, birds, dragons and phoenixes. Since ancient times, in Japan, people have flown kites high at New Year’s to wish for the health and growth of boys.


2021年1月2日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年1月2日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

星祭,Hoshi Matsuri,星祭


 日一分一分ちゞまる冬至かな  子規

Buddhist rituals. It is also called Hoshi Kuyo. It is held on the winter solstice, New Year’s Day and the first day of spring in the old calendar in order to exclude national and individual disasters. Today is the winter solstice. There are only 10 days left this year. The first year of Reiwa era is coming to an end.


2019年12月16日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

遍路道 松山城,the root of pilgrimage Matsuyama Castle, 朝圣之路 松山城


  春や昔 十五万石の 城下哉  子規

A pilgrimage root that is 10 kilometers to Taisanji. I went up to Matsuyama Castle and saw the red sunset sinking into Gogoshima. It is one of the 12 castles that still have a castle tower. I used to live at the foot of this castle, and I was looking forward to seeing the Seto Inland Sea sunset from this castle every Sunday. For dinner, I enjoyed seared yellowtail with salt from Uwajima and local sake from Imabari. The night of Paradise continues.


2019年7月6日 愛媛県松山市 松山城下

皇居夕景,Imperial Palace Evening,皇居夕景


The sun sets in Imperial Palace. This is a very solemn scene.The Emperor’s coronation parade (Celebration ceremony) ended without a hitch, and the Reiwa era began.Thank you everyone involved.


2019年4月7日 皇居 二重橋前

二百十日,210th day,二百十日


日の照りて風吹く二百十日哉  子規  

It is the 210th day from the first day of spring the lunar calendar. Usually, typhoons hit Japan on September 1. Around this time, the ears of rice come out and it is said to be an unlucky day for farmers.Disaster Prevention Day is also set for September 1.


2017年9月18日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

令和 夕焼け,Reiwa sunset glow,令和 晚霞餘暉

 富士の根の霞みて青き夕哉  子規

While it was raining in Chigasaki , Heisei was over and Reiwa has begun. It’s the first sunset of Reiwa. Today is hachiju-hachiya (the eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring,considered the best time for sowing seeds).

在茅崎下雨的时候,平成已经结束了,令和开始了。这是令和的第一次日落。 今天是八十八夜(从春天开始的第八十八天,被认为是播种的最佳时间)。

2019年5月2日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 西浜海岸