正式名称は、経栄山題経寺(きょうえいざん だいきょうじ)。帝釈天はもともとはインドの神で、仏教に取り入れられて仏を守る神となった。超人気映画シリーズ『男はつらいよ』ゆかりの寺。最寄りの京成電鉄柴又駅を降りると、寅さんとさくらの像が迎えてくれる。境内の御神水と言われる湧き水で手を洗い、お参りした。新型ウイルスの影響か、いつも参拝客で賑わっている参道には人影がまばらだった。近くの江戸川の土手に登り、柴又の街に沈んでいく夕陽を眺めた。柴又から松戸方面へ江戸川を渡る“矢切の渡し”はすぐそばにある。
It’s official name is Kyoeizan Daikyoji. Taishakuten was originally an Indian god and became a god to protect Buddha after being introduced to Buddhism. This temple associated with the extremely popular movie series “Otoko ha tsuraiyo(Men are hard)”. When you get off at the nearest station, Shibamata Station of the Keisei Electric Railway, the Tora-san and Sakura statues welcome you. I washed my hands in the spring water called goshinsui in the precincts and prayed. Probably because of the new virus, there were few people on the approach, which was always crowded with visitors. Going up the banks of the nearby Edo River, I saw the sunset sinking into the town of Shibamata. The “Yagiri no Watashi” crossing the Edo-gawa River from Shibamata toward Matsudo is located nearby.