港町ブルース 鹿児島新港桜島,Port Town Blues Kagoshima Shinko Sakurajima,港町佈魯斯鹿兒島新港櫻島


女心の残り火は 燃えて身をやく桜島 ここは鹿児島 旅路の果てか 港、港町ブルースよ                                                                                                                                         …. 「港町ブルース」作詞 深津武志

This is the third port town Blues after Yawatahama and Yokohama. A superb view from Kagoshima New Port overlooking Sakurajima. We want to deliver it in two versions: cloudy and sunny. The whistle is tasteful.  


20231006 Kagoshima Shinko Sakurajima

富士山嶺 2023,Top of Mt.Fuji 2023, 富士山頂 2023

富士山頂を久々に拝む。「あたまを雲の上に出し 四方の山を見降ろして…」(童謡「ふじの山」)のとおりの眺めだ。この撮影のあとしばらくして初冠雪があったらしい。富士山にも冬の季節が近づいている。美しい風景をしばし楽しんだ。今年もあと2か月半か。

 西行の顏も見えけり富士の山 子規 

I worship the top of Mt. Fuji for the first time in a long time. The view is exactly as described in the children’s song “Mt. Fuji”: “Put your head above the clouds and look down at the surrounding mountains …” Apparently there was the first snow cover a while after this shoot. The winter season is approaching for Mount Fuji, too. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery for a while. Another two and a half months this year.  

久違地參拜富士山山頂。正如童謠《富士之山》 (音譯) 所說的那樣,“讓青玉站在雲上,看著周圍的山…”。在這次拍攝之後,似乎有一段時間的第一場雪。富士山也即將迎來冬季。欣賞了美麗的風景。今年還有兩個半月。

20230920 Above Mt.Fuji

小さな秋 茅ケ崎2023,Glimpse of fall Chigasaki2023,小秋 茅崎2023


 秋風はまだこえかねつ雲の峰 子規

Little autumn has finally arrived on the beach at Chigasaki. The sun setting over Mt. Fuji also looks somewhat cool. It’s already October. The cold dew that falls on plants and trees in the 24 seasons is also near. There are three months left in the year. The sky is high.


20230918 Chigasaki Beach Kanagawa