安楽寺 Anrakuji 安乐寺


四国八十八ヵ所霊場第六番札所  かすかに鳳凰が見える

Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage the 6th temple  you can see the phoenix faintly

四国八十八个霊場第六座寺庙   你可以隐约看到凤凰

2016年2月27日 安楽寺

“安楽寺 Anrakuji 安乐寺” への4件の返信

  1. “I’m genuinely impressed by the quality of this post. The way you’ve presented the information, with both depth and clarity, is outstanding. It’s clear you have a strong grasp of the subject, and your passion for sharing knowledge is admirable. I learned a lot and felt very inspired. Keep up the great work!”


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