弘法大師 上海, Kobo Daishi Shanghai,弘法大师 上海


I visited the Jingansi Temple in Shanghai, China. Jingansi Temple is a famous temple in China built in the third century by the order of Sun Quan of Wu. Kobo Daishi also visited this temple as a Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China. The grounds of the shrine were filled with the smell of fragrant olive.


2018年10月20日 中国上海市

豫園南翔饅頭店,Yuyuan Nanxiang Mantou Store,豫园南翔馒头店


Yuyuan Shopping Center is a town next to Yu Yuan Garden.
This is a very popular soup dumpling’s restaurant. The queue waiting for entrance is always very long.


2018年10月20日 中華人民共和国上海市 豫園

上海 静安寺,Shanghai Jing An Temple,上海 静安寺


A famous temple of the Chinese secret evasion. That was erected by Sun quan during the Three Kingdoms period and Kukai was visiting in Tang Dynasty. A fragrance rich in osmanthus was coming in full bloom.

中国的真言宗佛教着名寺庙。 它是在三国时期由吴建立的,空海也在唐代访问过。 一种富含桂花的香气盛开。

2018年10月20日 中国上海市 静安寺

中国 瀋陽,China Shenyang,中国 沈阳


Shenyang is the capital city of Liaoning Province, China. The morning of minus 20 degrees. Many sites of the Qing Dynasty still exist. I asked the taxi driver “Do you know Ms.Ai fukuhara”, he said, “Of course I know! “.Because she was a Liaoning table tennis team player , so she spoke Chinese in the Northeast dialect. She is still very popular in Shenyang.

沈阳是中国辽宁省的省会城市。 零下20度的早晨。 清朝时期的许多遗址依然存在。 我问出租车司机“你知道福原爱吗?”,他说“我当然知道!
” 。因为她是以前参加过辽宁乒乓球队、所以她讲东北方言的中文。她在

2018年2月8日 中国遼寧省瀋陽市

上海 珈琲店 /Shanghai coffee shop /上海 咖啡店


I met a fancy coffee shop in late night in Shanghai. There are many elegant shops in Sinan Road and also old house of Sun Yat-sen from nearby.


2018年10月20日 上海市 思南路

上海 プラタナス,Shanghai Platanus,上海 普拉坦


There are still many Plantanus trees in the former French Concession Areas, and in the summer it offers coolness. Above all, it fits well with the design of old house and is beautiful with its taste.

在前法租界地区仍然有许多普拉坦树,在夏天它提供凉爽。 最重要的是,它非常适合老房子的设计,并且它的味道很漂亮。

2018年10月7日 上海市 皋兰路


上海 茂名南路,Shanghai Maoming South Road,上海 茂名南路 


Maoming South Road is an entertainment street where Shanghai’s major hotels, restaurants, theatres and shopping venues gather. Cathay Cinema has left the shadow of Shanghai. That was established 86 years ago.

茂名南路是一条娱乐街,上海的主要酒店,餐厅,剧院和购物场所聚集在一起。 国泰電影院离开了上海的影子。 今年成立86年。

2018年10月15日 上海市 茂名南路 国泰電影院

上海徐家匯 /ShanghaiXujiahui /上海徐家汇


Shanghai’s best downtown. There are many well-known schools including Shanghai Jiaotong University. There is also the first Christian church in Shanghai. I lived here three years.   I miss memories of my life.  I did not know  the sunset is so beautiful here…

上海最好的闹市区。 包括上海交通大学在内的许多知名学校也在这里。 还有第一座天守教堂。我在这里住了三年。 我怀念在这里生活的回忆。 我不知道这个日落是如此美丽…。

2018年10月11日 上海 徐家匯