旅の終わり 大須観音,End of Pilgrimage Osu Kannon,巡禮結束 大須觀音


In return for the completion vows of the 88 Shikoku sacred sites and the Bekkaku- 20 sacred sites, I visited Okunoin Temple of Mt. Koya and Toji Temple, and visited Osu Kannon Temple in Nagoya to conclude my pilgrimage. Osu kannon Temple is the Bekkaku-honzan (special head temple) of the Chizan school of the Shingon Sect and the principal image is Sho Kannon. I have a special feeling because I used to live nearby and visit the shrine almost every week. When I looked up at the sky after praying, I was surprised to see a very big and beautiful sunset. That seemed to be celebrating the end of my journey. In the evening,I had a meal after the trip. I can enjoy nostalgic dishes and sake at “Daijin”, a long-established izakaya representing Nagoya, and “Shanghai taste”, a Chinese restaurant of Shanghai couple. The next day, I had lunch at “Tenmaya” on Monzen-machi-dori Street, tasted cold kishimen noodles and dengaku, and then went home. I entered Tokushima on May 20, and my 84 days pilgrimage to this day on August 11 was finally finished. I am deeply grateful to the many people who supported me.


名古屋市中区 夜の大須観音
名古屋市中区栄「大甚本店」 100年の歴史 檜の香がする日本酒と総菜
名古屋市中村区名駅南「上海味」 絶品の紅焼肉
名古屋市中区門前町通「天満屋」 冷やしきしめん大盛 つゆ、麺とも美味
名古屋市中区門前町通「天満屋」 田楽(こんにゃく)タレが香ばしい

秋の気配 茅ヶ崎,Sign of autumn,秋天的氣息 茅崎


 秋たつや雨晴れに出る月の冴 子規

After Obon, there is a sign of autumn on the beach of Chigasaki. The sky rose and the wind cooled, and the color of the setting sun faded. Umbrella clouds hang on the top of Mt. Fuji and the afterglow shines. The moon rose and the light gleamed in the sea. Evening surrounded by the light of Enoshima lighthouse.


2021年8月19日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

お礼参り 東寺,Thanksgiving Toji,還願 東寺


I visited Toji Temple to express my gratitude for the vow made during my pilgrimage to the 20 sacred places in Shikoku. Kyoto is as hot as ever in midsummer, and the blue sky is piercing my eyes. Toji was granted to Kobo Daishi by Emperor Saga and is the head temple of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. It is also registered as a World Heritage Site. The mandala statues in the auditorium are powerful and beautiful. The temple is large and the five-storied pagoda is beautiful. The lotus in the pond in the temple precinct is in full bloom and it is shiny. After praying, I had “Toji udon” at a nearby udon restaurant. The taste of plum and Chinese yam was good for tired body.


2019年8月10日 京都市南区 東寺

お礼参り 高野山,Thanksgiving Koyasan,還願 高野山


I left Kudoyama at the foot of Mt. Koya, which is Okunoin (inner sanctuary) of the 88 sacred places of Shikoku, to make a prayer for the completion of each pilgrimage. I enterd Choishi-michi Street from the precincts of Jisonin Temple. Choishi-michi Street was one of the most beautiful and stately pilgrimage routes that Kobo Daishi has walked on since he opened Mt. Koya. On the way, I felt dizzy because of the heat, and I had to go around the cliff because a group of pit vipers were winding in the middle of the road, but I managed to climb the 22 km slope. I was deeply moved when I prayed at Okunoin surrounded by solemn air. I was healed by the ancient lotus flowers in Rengein.

為結願去四國八十八個所靈地的深山高野山,從山腳下的九度山前往。從慈尊院的院內進入了町石道 。町石道是從弘法大師創立高野山以來,在表參道一直走到現在的巡禮道中最美麗的風格。在途中,我的頭因熱量而頭暈,或者一群蝮蛇纏繞在路中間,爬上懸崖並繞過懸崖,但我設法爬上了二十二公裡的斜坡。在氣氛莊嚴的內殿還願,感慨萬千。被蓮華院的古代蓮花治愈了。

町石道 展望台から紀の川と九度山の町を眺める。周囲は柿畑。
町石道 1町(約109メートル)ごとに道標として卒塔婆形の石柱が建てられている。
町石道 前年の暴風雨の傷跡が生々しく残っていた。
高野山 壇上伽藍
高野山 金剛峯寺
2019年8月4日 和歌山県伊都郡高野町 高野山奥の院



 秋たつや風のなき日を海の音 子規

This year’s Risshu is August 7. This day is regarded as the day when summer reaches its peak and signs of autumn begin to appear in China’s 24 seasons, and the heat after that becomes the lingering summer heat. After Risshu, the sky at Chigasaki Beach today was high and the wind was refreshing, and there was a hint of autumn somewhere.


2021年8月8日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

さよなら四国,Goodbye Shikoku,再見四國


It’s time to say goodbye to Shikoku. Since coming to Tokushima from Haneda on May 20, it has been a 76 day walking Henro trip until today, August 3. After visiting 88 sacred places and 20 sacred places of special status, I felt so happy. I’m going to Koyasan and Toji temple for the prayer of thanksgiving. I took an early morning ferry from Tokushima Port and saw the mountains of Shikoku leaving from the deck. Goodbye, Shikoku. Thank you, Shikoku.


四国最後の夜 眉山と徳島港の夜景
さらば四国 去りゆく徳島の街並みと眉山
九度山の風景 明日は高野山

浜木綿の季節,Season of Hamayu,濱木棉的季節


 み熊野の浦の浜木綿百重なす 心は思へど直に逢はぬかも 柿本人麻呂

The summer beach of Chigasaki is decorated with Hamayu, which is now in season. The view of the sea beyond the gorgeous white petals spreading on the large green leaves is a Chigasaki tradition of summer. Hamayu is a tropical plant that grows wild in the coastal area facing the Kuroshio Current, and is often seen in the Boso Peninsula, Miura Peninsula and Izu Peninsula in the Kanto area. The language of flowers is’ Somewhere far away. ‘



お礼参り 霊山寺,Thanksgiving Ryozenji,還願 靈山寺


I went to Ryozenji to pray for the completion of 88 sacred places. I headed to Ryozenji, the first fudasho, after I met the vow of the special reijo (sacred ground) at Otakiji. I was welcomed by sunflowers in the mountains of Awa City, where the weather was clear. I had lunch at an udon restaurant near the third temple, Konsenji. There was a autograph of Angela Aki in the store. Cold udon was especially delicious for the body that was dazed by the heat. Arriving at Ryozenji, I finally connected the circle of Fudasho. I prayed and received bracelet nenju at Nokyosho to celebrate Kechigan. I can’t believe I could walk all around Shikoku. Today’s inn is near the pier of Tokushima Port. Tomorrow I’m going to take a ferry to Koyasan Okunoin for thanksgiving. Today was my last day in Shikoku. I ate Tokushima ramen near JR Tokushima Station and saw Mt. Bizan at dusk. It had a beautiful silhouette.

前往靈山寺參拜八十八處靈地的滿願。在大瀧寺迎接特別聖地的滿願後前往第一號名剎的靈山寺。在晴朗的阿波市的山裡受到向日葵們的歡迎。在三號名剎金泉寺旁邊的烏冬面店吃午飯。店內有Angela Aki的彩紙。在因炎熱而朦朧的身體裡,冷烏冬面格外美味。到達靈山寺,名剎的圈子終于相連了。還願後,納經所為滿願獻上手鐲唸珠。光是徒步就能繞四國一周,真是難以置信。今天的旅館在德島港碼頭的旁邊。明天坐渡輪去高野山奧之院還願。今天是四國的最後一天。在JR德島站附近品嘗德島拉面,傍晚眺望眉山。很漂亮的輪廓。

第三番札所の今泉寺近くのうどん屋の冷やしうどん 麺もツユも絶品。おでんも美味しそう。
2019年8月2日 霊山寺本堂
徳島ラーメン 濃い醤油味に豚バラ、生卵。



That is the 20th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites.Its principal image is Nishiteru daigongen and its founder was Gyoki. This temple is also known as the So-Oku-no-in of the 88 sacred sites in Shikoku. From Okuboji, I entered the mountains of former Shionoe-cho and bypassed Kabagawa Dam, which was under construction. I kept climbing the slope of Mt. Otaki (946 meters above sea level) until he finally reached Otakiji near the top of the mountain. I can see the mountains of Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture from the temple grounds. Along with the 88 sacred places, all the special sacred places were finally completed. Tomorrow, I’m going to Ryozenji, the first fudasho of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku.

四国特別朝圣的第二十座寺庙。主佛是西照大權現,传说行基是开基的。本寺也被稱為四國八十八處聖地總奧之院。從大窪寺進入舊鹽江町的山中,將正在建設的詹川大壩繞道而行。只顧爬上大瀧山 (海拔946米) 的山坡,終于到達了山頂附近的大瀧寺。從院內可以清楚地看到德島縣美馬市的群山。與88處靈場一起,特別聖地也終于全部結束了。明天前往四國八十八處聖地第一號名剎的靈山寺還願。

2019年7月30日 徳島県美馬市(旧脇町) 大瀧寺



That is the 88 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is the Yakushi Nyorai.This temple is said to have been founded by Gyoki.It was clear weather when I left the henro-yado in front of the gate of Nagaoji, but it began to rain as I entered the mountains. I took shelter from the rain and talked with other pilgrims at “Maeyama Ohenro Communication Salon”. Wearing rain gear in the pouring rain, I climbed the cliff-like pilgrimage route of Mt. Nyotai. The weather gradually recovered and I enjoyed the beautiful Sanuki scenery at the summit. After descending the mountain, I finally arrived at Okuboji. I prayed and celebrated Kechigan together with other pilgrims whom I met for the first time in the precincts. I honestly praised myself for walking so far. But the pilgrimage of the last fudasho of the special reijo, Otakiji, Ryozenji, Koyasan Okunoin and Toji are still waiting. The pilgrimage continues.


女体山頂上 高松方面を望む
大窪寺境内 正面奥が本堂
2019年7月28日 香川県さぬき市 大窪寺仁王門