お礼参り 高野山,Thanksgiving Koyasan,還願 高野山



I left Kudoyama at the foot of Mt. Koya, which is Okunoin (inner sanctuary) of the 88 sacred places of Shikoku, to make a prayer for the completion of each pilgrimage. I enterd Choishi-michi Street from the precincts of Jisonin Temple. Choishi-michi Street was one of the most beautiful and stately pilgrimage routes that Kobo Daishi has walked on since he opened Mt. Koya. On the way, I felt dizzy because of the heat, and I had to go around the cliff because a group of pit vipers were winding in the middle of the road, but I managed to climb the 22 km slope. I was deeply moved when I prayed at Okunoin surrounded by solemn air. I was healed by the ancient lotus flowers in Rengein.

為結願去四國八十八個所靈地的深山高野山,從山腳下的九度山前往。從慈尊院的院內進入了町石道 。町石道是從弘法大師創立高野山以來,在表參道一直走到現在的巡禮道中最美麗的風格。在途中,我的頭因熱量而頭暈,或者一群蝮蛇纏繞在路中間,爬上懸崖並繞過懸崖,但我設法爬上了二十二公裡的斜坡。在氣氛莊嚴的內殿還願,感慨萬千。被蓮華院的古代蓮花治愈了。

町石道 展望台から紀の川と九度山の町を眺める。周囲は柿畑。
町石道 1町(約109メートル)ごとに道標として卒塔婆形の石柱が建てられている。
町石道 前年の暴風雨の傷跡が生々しく残っていた。
高野山 壇上伽藍
高野山 金剛峯寺
2019年8月4日 和歌山県伊都郡高野町 高野山奥の院


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