讃岐国分寺,Sanuki Kokubunji,赞岐国分寺


That is the 80 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is 11 faces and 1000 hands of Kanzeon Bosatsu. It was founded by Gyoki under the orders of Emperor Shomu. This area used to be the center of Sanuki Province. It is about 7 kilometers from the Tennoji. I reached the countryside looking up at the 5-color table with beautiful green trees. I finally entered Takamatsu City. The approach from the Niomon gate to the main hall is a long, deep temple. The pine trees in the precincts are beautiful.


2019年7月24日  香川県高松市国分寺町

曽我梅林散策, Soga Plum Grove Walk in Odawara,曾我梅林散步


The Soga Plum Grove in Odawara is at its peak. At Kozu Station (KO- ZU) on the JR Tokaido Line, transfer to the Gotemba Line and get off at Shimosoga Station. About 35,000 white plum trees were in full bloom and reflected the sunset. Mt. Fuji is also nearby. This village of Soga is famous for ‘Soga Monogatari’, one of Japan’s three famous avenges. I remembered the Soga brothers at his family temple, Jozen-ji Temple.


2021年2月13日 神奈川県小田原市 城前寺
2021年2月13日 神奈川県小田原市 曽我梅林
2021年2月13日 神奈川県小田原市 曽我梅林

吾妻山 菜の花紀行,Nanohana journey in Azumayama,吾妻山油菜花旅行


Early blooming rape blossoms are in full bloom at Mt. Azuma in Ninomiya Town, Kanagawa Prefecture. The weather was nice and the silhouette of Mt. Fuji was beautiful. The sweet scent of rape blossoms fills the air and makes me feel refreshed for a while. The flower language is “cheerful love”.Spring is drawing near.“Risshun” (the first day of spring)is coming soon.


2021年1月29日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山

小田原城夕景,Odawara Castle Sunset Scene, 小田原城晚景


A new commercial facility was built in Odawara last December. From the rooftop, you can see scenes of Odawara Castle and Sagami Bay that you have never seen before. It is interesting to see the castle tower of Odawara Castle from this angle. The sunset sinking into Hakone was beautiful. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the closing 2020 years.


2020年12月25日 神奈川県小田原市 箱根を望む

サヨナラ2020年, Goodbye 2020,再见2020年

大晦日の茅ヶ崎海岸は空気が澄みきっていて今年最後の夕陽と夕焼けはとても鮮烈な色あいだった。浜辺にはたくさんの人がいて今年最後の夕陽を見送っていた。来年は皆さまに幸多かれと祈ります。今年も幣美術館にお立ち寄りいただきありがとうございました。来年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。大晦日馬に追はるゝ夢見たり 子規

Chigasaki Beach on New Year’s Eve had a clear air and the last sunset and sunset of the year was very vivid. There were so many people on the beach that they watched the last sunset of the year. I wish you all the best next year. Thank you for stopping by the chigasaki Sunset Museum this year. I look forward to working with you again next year.


2020年12月31日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸ヘッドランド


鎌倉建長寺の夕陽,Kamakura Kenchoji Temple’s Sunset,镰仓建长寺的夕阳


After visiting Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura, a famous temple of the Rinzai sect, I climbed Mt. Shojoken in the precincts and watched the sunset. I could also see Kamakura Gakuen below. I sang the words to the classic Southern All Stars song, ”Bid farewell to the sunset’. Sagami Bay can also be seen beyond Wakamiyaoji Street. It was a beautiful sunset.


2020年12月4日 神奈川県鎌倉市 建長寺

天使の梯子,Angel’s ladder,天使梯子


Its official name is crepuscular rays. It is also called an angel’s ladder or Jacob’s ladder (derived from Genesis). Since a strange cloud covered Sagami Bay in the morning, I climbed Shonandaira, a scenic spot in Shonan, and waited for dusk. As I aimed, an angel’s ladder descended from a gap in the clouds above the Izu Peninsula and the sea surface off Odawara began to shine like a spotlight. I enjoyed the mystical scenery that reminds me of the movie ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ for a while.


2020年11月28日 神奈川県平塚市 湘南平
2020年11月28日 神奈川県平塚市 湘南平

小春 吾妻山,Indian summer Mt.Azuma,小春 吾妻山


I enjoyed the Koharubiyori of Mt. Azuma in late autumn. ​Mt. Azuma near Ninomiya Station on the JR Tokaido Line is a small mountain 136 meters above sea level with a wonderful view overlooking Tanzawa, Fuji, Hakone, Izu Peninsula, Oshima, Miura Peninsula and Sagami Bay. ​How is Chami, the idol cat of Mt. Azuma in Scottish Fold walking up to the top of the mountain? ​It was a beautiful sunset.


2020年11月14日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山
2020年11月14日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山

立冬,The biginning of Winter,立冬


冬立つや立たずや留守の一つ家 子規  

Ritto has come again this year. ​It is said that the day of 24 divisions of the old calendar is the day when autumn reaches its climax and the sign of winter begins to appear. ​From now until the first day of spring is winter. ​The day before the first day of winter, the Chigasaki Beach saw a spectacular sunset that seemed to welcome the first day of winter. 



2020年11月6日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 134号線
2020年10月31日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎漁港

中秋の名月,Harvest Moon,中秋明月


 十五夜の月ふり出すや馬の首 子規

Today is the day of the harvest moon in 2020. According to the lunar calendar, the sky is the clearest and the moon is bright and beautiful in this period of the year. As the name suggests, the beautiful moon rose on the Chigasaki Beach, entertaining the visitors.


2020年10月1日 中秋の名月 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年9月30日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山
2020年10月1日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸