

That is the 20th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites.Its principal image is Nishiteru daigongen and its founder was Gyoki. This temple is also known as the So-Oku-no-in of the 88 sacred sites in Shikoku. From Okuboji, I entered the mountains of former Shionoe-cho and bypassed Kabagawa Dam, which was under construction. I kept climbing the slope of Mt. Otaki (946 meters above sea level) until he finally reached Otakiji near the top of the mountain. I can see the mountains of Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture from the temple grounds. Along with the 88 sacred places, all the special sacred places were finally completed. Tomorrow, I’m going to Ryozenji, the first fudasho of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku.

四国特別朝圣的第二十座寺庙。主佛是西照大權現,传说行基是开基的。本寺也被稱為四國八十八處聖地總奧之院。從大窪寺進入舊鹽江町的山中,將正在建設的詹川大壩繞道而行。只顧爬上大瀧山 (海拔946米) 的山坡,終于到達了山頂附近的大瀧寺。從院內可以清楚地看到德島縣美馬市的群山。與88處靈場一起,特別聖地也終于全部結束了。明天前往四國八十八處聖地第一號名剎的靈山寺還願。

2019年7月30日 徳島県美馬市(旧脇町) 大瀧寺



That is the 88 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is the Yakushi Nyorai.This temple is said to have been founded by Gyoki.It was clear weather when I left the henro-yado in front of the gate of Nagaoji, but it began to rain as I entered the mountains. I took shelter from the rain and talked with other pilgrims at “Maeyama Ohenro Communication Salon”. Wearing rain gear in the pouring rain, I climbed the cliff-like pilgrimage route of Mt. Nyotai. The weather gradually recovered and I enjoyed the beautiful Sanuki scenery at the summit. After descending the mountain, I finally arrived at Okuboji. I prayed and celebrated Kechigan together with other pilgrims whom I met for the first time in the precincts. I honestly praised myself for walking so far. But the pilgrimage of the last fudasho of the special reijo, Otakiji, Ryozenji, Koyasan Okunoin and Toji are still waiting. The pilgrimage continues.


女体山頂上 高松方面を望む
大窪寺境内 正面奥が本堂
2019年7月28日 香川県さぬき市 大窪寺仁王門



That is the 87 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is the Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu.The temple is said to have been founded by Gyoki.The denominations of this temple are changing. Originally a member of the Hosso sect, Kobo Daishi converted to the Shingon sect and is now a member of the Tendai sect. After Shizuka Gozen divorced MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, she became a Buddhist priest in this temple. Separated from the soothing Seto Inland Sea view, I head for the Shikoku Mountains along the JR Kotoku Line from Shidoji. I arrived through a peaceful countryside. A fine pine tree and a clean temple. There is monuments with a Santoka verse.


2019年7月27日 香川県さぬき市 志度寺近くの瀬戸内の眺め
2019年7月27日 香川県さぬき市長尾 長尾寺 



That is the 86 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is the eleven faces and one thousand hands Kanzeon Bosatsu.The temple is said to have been founded by the nun OSHI Sonoko,was founded 626 years ago.From the front fudasho Yaguriji Temple, go down Mt. Gokenzan and follow the Shido Bay beach along with the Kotoden Shido Line. The view of the Seto Inland Sea in summer is breathtaking. I passed in front of the former residence of Gennai HIRAGA, a genius of the Edo period, and arrived at Shidoji Temple.The grounds are covered with thick trees except for the temple and passageway, and it is a rare appearance among the temples of fudasho.


2019年7月27日 志度湾の眺め
2019年7月27日 香川県さぬき市志度 平賀源内旧宅
2019年7月27日 香川県さぬき市志度 志度寺


四国八十八カ所霊場の第八十五番札所。本尊は聖観世音菩薩。開基は弘法大師と伝えられる。屋島の壇ノ浦をはさんだ東側の五剣山の中腹にある。屋島寺からレトロな外観の琴電屋島駅の前を通り、映画「男はつらいよ」(46作) のロケ地にもなった遍路道を登り到着。お迎え大師が迎えてくれた。当寺からの讃岐平野の眺めは絶景。納経所の前で他の遍路さんから「もうすぐ結願ですね」と励まされる。菩提樹の大木の陰で暑さを凌いだ。

That is the 85 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is the Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu.The temple is said to have been founded by Kobo Daishi.This temple is situated halfway up Mt. Goken on the eastern side of Yashima and Dannoura.From Yashimaji, I walked in front of Kotoden Yashima Station, which has a retro appearance, and went up the Henro Road where the movie “Otokowa Tsuraiyo” (46th) was filmed. A statue of Daishi called Omukae Daishi welcomed him. The view of the Sanuki Plain from this temple is superb. In front of Nokyosho (the place to get the temple stamp), other pilgrims encourage me by saying, “It’s almost done.” I protected myself from the heat under a big linden tree.

四国八十八个朝圣的第八十五座寺庙。主佛是圣观世音菩萨。由弘法大师创立。该寺位于隔着屋岛和坛之浦的东侧五剑山的半山腰。从屋岛寺步行到外观怀旧的琴电屋岛站,沿路登上了电影《男人好辛苦》 (46集) 的拍摄地。被称为迎接大师的大师像迎接了我。从该寺眺望赞岐平原是绝美的景色。在纳经所前,其他巡礼者鼓励他“马上就是满愿了”。在菩提树的树荫下消暑。

2019年7月27日 香川県高松市牟礼町 八栗寺
2019年7月27日 香川県高松市 八栗寺遍路道 「男はつらいよ 寅次郎の縁談(46作)」ロケ地
2019年7月27日 香川県高松市屋島中町 琴電志度線琴電屋島駅



That is the 84 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is the eleven faces and one thousand hands Kanzeon Bosatsu.It is said to have been founded by Ganjin. I walked through a rural area and a long shopping street in Takamatsu city and took the pilgrimage route along the Seto Inland Sea. After crossing the Kotoden railway line, continue climbing the Yashima mountain until the Sanmon gate. The temple was large and there were many visitors came from China. After paying a visit to the shrine, I saw the beautiful Sanuki Plain and Setouchi from the observation deck and enjoy the nostalgic kawara throws. At night, I enjoyed local sake and bone-in chicken thigh, which is a specialty of Kagawa.It was really delicious.


2019年7月26日 香川県高松市 屋島寺山門



That is the 83 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu. This temple was originally founded by Gien as a temple of the Hosso sect, one of the Nanto rokushu (the six sects of Buddhism which flourished in ancient Nara), but Kobo Daishi later developed the precincts and converted to the Shingon sect. The procession started at Kozaiji, which is No. 19 of the Bekkaku-reijo (special sacred ground), and proceeded along the Kotogawa River to arrive. White clouds dazzle the midsummer blue sky. When I lived in Kagawa Prefecture, I lived very close to this temple, and I really missed it. I also visited Tamurajinja Shrine, which is associated with Ichinomiyaji Temple. I relaxed myself at the nearby hot spring facility “Natural Hot Spring Kirara” and enjoy Sanuki Udon. Next is Yashima.


2019年7月25日 香川県高松市 一宮寺



That is the 19th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites.Its principal image is Enmeijizobosatsu and its founder was Gyoki.I arrived at Kozaiji going down Mt. Katsuga from Negoroji, 82th temple of Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage. It was clear and sunny on this day, and the view of the islands of Bisan Seto and Yashima was wonderful. In addition, the blue sky and sea are vivid. This temple is a calm temple building with a forest behind it, and the precincts are quiet. There are more than 10 shrines and temples in the neighborhood, and the atmosphere of the temple town is well preserved in this city. There is only one temple left to make a pilgrimage to exceptional Sacred Sites.


2019年7月24日 香川県高松市 香西寺



That is the 82 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is 1000 hands of Kanzeon Bosatsu. It was founded by Kobo Daishi and converted to the Tendai sect in the Edo period. It is in the middle of Aomine of Goshikidai.I arrived at Shiramineji on foot on the former pilgrimage road, Negoroji-michi. Go down the stairs from the temple gate and go up to Daishi-do. Go up the stairs to the main hall. It is a cathedral utilizing the steep landform. I could see the nostalgic streets of Takamatsu and Yashima. Oniyuri and Kikyo (Chinese bellflower) bloomed in the precincts and healed the fatigue of the pilgrimage.


2019年7月24日 香川県高松市 根香寺より高松市の街並み、屋島を望む



That is the 81 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is 1000 hands of Kanzeon Bosatsu. It is said to have been founded by Kobo Daishi. I entered the mountains of Goshikidai from Sanuki Kokubunji and climbed a steep mountain path with the gentle rural scenery of Sanuki behind me. I finally arrived through a tunnel of trees on the way. I met a Korean pilgrimage at the temple gate and exchanged greetings. The temple grounds of this temple are high and low with a deep posture that takes advantage of the slope of the mountain. The lilies that bloom beside the main hall are refreshing.


2019年7月24日 香川県坂出市 白峯寺