善通寺 /Zentsuji /善通寺


Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage the 75th temple. This temple is Shingon sect Zentsuji faction headquarters,the place of birth of Kobo Daishi. I heard monks recited the “Hannyashingyo”.


2015年12月13日 香川県善通寺市 善通寺



Kiss fishing is peaking at the Chigasaki coast. When asked to a fisherman this time seems to be easy to fish and large in size because it eats a lot in preparation for overwintering.

Kisu钓鱼在茅崎海岸达到顶峰。 当被问到垂钓者时,这个时候似乎很容易捕鱼并且体积很大,因为它在为越冬做准备时会吃很多东西。

2018年11月24日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

初日の出2018,the first sunrise 2018,第一次日出2018


風凪で けさ元日と なりにけり  子規

Surfers wait for the first sunrise in the sea. Familiar style of Chigasaki.


2018年1月1日 元旦 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

チャンギ空港,Changi airport,樟宜机场


It is the symbolic presence in Singapore. I arrived around 6 o’clock in the morning from Haneda Airport and was surprised by the heat when I went to the observation deck. But refreshingly at the airport shower.

樟宜机场是新加坡的象征性存在。 我从羽田机场早上6点左右到达,我去观景台很惊讶很热。 但用机场的淋浴非常清爽。

2017年6月16日 シンガポール チャンギ国際空港

夕暮れの相模湾,Sagami Bay at dusk,相模湾在黄昏


From Shiroyama of Yugawara, you can see the Boso Peninsula, the Manazuru Peninsula, Hatsushima, Oshima and the Izu Peninsula. I also saw the landmark tower in Yokohama. Shiroyama is the castle ruins of samurai Doi, who helped Yoritomo minamoto.

从汤河原的城山,可以看到房总半岛,真鹤半岛,初岛,大岛和伊豆半岛。 我还看到了横滨的地标塔。 城山是帮助源頼朝的武士土肥的城堡。

2018年11月17日 神奈川県湯河原町の城山頂上より相模湾を望む

小春日和,indian summer,小阳春


It’s is a mild and warm day like spring. We can see the fresh wind and shining sea. In Japan it came to be called Koharu because the climate and weather in November resembled spring in Japan. It is said that the season word for haiku is winter.In Europe and the United States, a similar climate is called Indian Summer, or the summer of old women.


2018年11月17日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

忽那諸島 中島,Kutsunaislands Nakajima,忽那诸岛 中岛


KutsunaIslands is the islands between the Aki-nada and Iyo-nada in the Seto Inland Sea. Nakajima is the largest island, famous for oranges and triathlons.Wisteria ‘s flowers were in full bloom.

忽那诸岛是濑户内海的安芸滩伊予滩之间的岛屿。 中岛是最大的岛屿,以橙子和铁人三项而闻名。紫藤的鲜花盛开。

2015年5月5日 愛媛県松山市中島

真鶴半島,Manazuru peninsula,真鹤半岛


I saw  Manazuru peninsula of the autumn from Mt.Shiroyama of Yugawara. As the name comes from, the crane is shaped like a stretched wing. It seems to have been made by Hakone volcanic activity.

从汤河原的城山看了晩秋的真鹤半岛。 顾名思义,看起来一只鹤伸展翅膀。 我听说它是由箱根的火山活动组成的。

2018年11月17日 神奈川県足柄下郡真鶴町 真鶴半島

羽田空港,Haneda Airport,羽田机场



The official name is Tokyo International Airport. It has the largest number of flights and passengers in Japan. According to the 2021 airport rankings released by the British company Skytrax, Haneda Airport came in second overall (No. 1 in cleanliness and domestic service、Accessible Facilities).

 The sun is setting. The setting sun at the airport is depressing. Farewell and departure.                                                         



2014年10月28日 羽田空港第1ターミナル展望デッキより
2020年6月28日 羽田空港第1ターミナル展望デッキより
2020年6月26日 羽田空港第2ターミナル展望デッキより
20200628 Haneda airport terminal 1

横浜媽祖廟,Yokohama Mazu Temple,横滨妈祖庙


Mazu Mausoleum is the guardian deity of navigational safety. It is also a power spot of  marriage  in Yokohama and is extremely popular.On the way back from the visit, I enjoyed my favorite Chinese porridge.


2017年11月26日 横浜中華街媽祖廟