The sun’s rays are getting stronger and the sea is getting warmer. The arrival of the surfing season. Surfers wait for the waves.
太阳的光线越来越强,大海越来越暖和了。 冲浪季的到来。 冲浪者等待海浪。

夕陽と花に魅せられて fascinated by the sunset and flowers 被夕阳和花吸引 Copyright © 2018 CHIGASAKI SUNSET MUSEUM. All Rights Reserved.
The sun’s rays are getting stronger and the sea is getting warmer. The arrival of the surfing season. Surfers wait for the waves.
太阳的光线越来越强,大海越来越暖和了。 冲浪季的到来。 冲浪者等待海浪。
The cherry blossoms of the moat of Matsuyama Castle were in full bloom. Spring sunshine is gentle. The turtle and the bird were having a good time enjoyng Hanami. It’s finally the season of Hanami. Let’s have fun.
松山城的护城河的樱花盛开。 春天的阳光温柔。 乌龟和鸟儿很高兴看到赏樱花。 这终于是赏樱花的季节。 让我们玩得开心。
Soul food of hometown Setouchi. Cook whole Red snapper and rice with soy sauce, sake, sweet sake and kelp. It can be used as a snack for sake. The smell is also great. I want to eat every day.
家乡濑户内的灵魂食物。 煮全鲷鱼和米饭一起酱油,清酒,甜酒,海带。 为了清酒,它可以用作零食。 气味也很棒。 我想每天都吃。
Nagoya’s soul food. Fresh noodles, smooth texture and smooth throat. I get cold noodles again this time. Both soup and noodles are delicious.
名古屋的灵魂食物。 新鲜的面条,质地光滑,喉咙光滑。 这次也很酷。 汤和面条都很好吃・・・。
I ate wakame and octopus in the day at Himakajima. The freshly picked wakame is very delicious from now on. It was so delicious to eat 4 pots, the owner surprised and came to say thank you. I want to come back.
我在日间贺岛吃了裙带菜和章鱼涮锅一天。 从现在开始新鲜采摘的裙带菜非常美味。 它是如此美味,如果你也吃4盆,商店的老板感到惊讶来感謝我。 我想再回来。
I simmered the Tsukushi with soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. It matched well with the dish of Tobe-yaki, which is characterized by the white color. Sweet and bitter taste of early spring. I ate with sake. delicious.
我用酱油,糖和芝麻油炖刷。 它与Tobe-yaki的菜肴相配,其特点是白色。 早春的甜味和苦味。 我喝酒,一起吃。 美味的。
不来方(こずかた)のお城の草に寝ころびて空に吸われし十五の心 石川啄木
Inuyama Castle at sunset. The silhouette that was raised by the light up was reflecting the sunset.
在日落时的犬山城堡。 灯光照亮的轮廓反映了日落。
A glamorous yellow flower that bloomed in the early spring. Tell us about the arrival of spring. Flower language is “secret love.”
在早期的春天开花的一朵富有魅力的黄色花。 告诉我们春天的到来。 花语是“秘密的爱”。
鶯の声になまりはなかりけり 子規
Ho ho ke kyo. As it begins to call in early spring, it is also said that it is a spring bird. Cherry and olive green were vivid in the blue sky.
Ho ho ke kyo。 因为它在早春开始呼唤,也有人说它是一只春天的鸟。 樱花和绿茶色在蓝天中非常明亮。
The riverbank of the early spring Kisogawa. Kawazu cherry blossoms were blooming quietly. Rendezvous with moon.
早春的木曾川河岸。 河津樱花静静地绽放。与月亮约会。