河津桜 茅ヶ崎,Kawazu-zakura in Chigasaki,河津樱 茅崎


Chigasaki is also famous for Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms. About 70 Kawazu-zakura trees are in full bloom on the bank along the Koidegawa River. The dark pink flowers look beautiful against the rape blossoms and the sunset.


2021年2月22日 茅ヶ崎市 小出川河畔

川越紀行,Go to Kawagoe,川越纪行


Kawagoe, located in the southwestern part of Saitama Prefecture, used to flourish as a castle town and is called “Koedo”. There are many historic sites such as shrines and temples, and the number of cultural properties in the Kanto region is said to be the third largest after Kamakura and Nikko. When I visited Kawagoe for the first time, it was covered with spring weather, and the white plum blossoms were in full bloom at Yakushi Shrine. The townscape of Kurazukuri remains well. The potato has been a specialty since the Edo period. The local sake is also delicious. The bell that is the symbol of the city is “Nihon Otofukei 100 Selection”. Shiki MASAOKA composed a haiku while he was a student here.


2021年2月20日 埼玉県川越市 


曽我梅林散策, Soga Plum Grove Walk in Odawara,曾我梅林散步


The Soga Plum Grove in Odawara is at its peak. At Kozu Station (KO- ZU) on the JR Tokaido Line, transfer to the Gotemba Line and get off at Shimosoga Station. About 35,000 white plum trees were in full bloom and reflected the sunset. Mt. Fuji is also nearby. This village of Soga is famous for ‘Soga Monogatari’, one of Japan’s three famous avenges. I remembered the Soga brothers at his family temple, Jozen-ji Temple.


2021年2月13日 神奈川県小田原市 城前寺
2021年2月13日 神奈川県小田原市 曽我梅林
2021年2月13日 神奈川県小田原市 曽我梅林

吾妻山 菜の花紀行,Nanohana journey in Azumayama,吾妻山油菜花旅行


Early blooming rape blossoms are in full bloom at Mt. Azuma in Ninomiya Town, Kanagawa Prefecture. The weather was nice and the silhouette of Mt. Fuji was beautiful. The sweet scent of rape blossoms fills the air and makes me feel refreshed for a while. The flower language is “cheerful love”.Spring is drawing near.“Risshun” (the first day of spring)is coming soon.


2021年1月29日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山

小田原城夕景,Odawara Castle Sunset Scene, 小田原城晚景


A new commercial facility was built in Odawara last December. From the rooftop, you can see scenes of Odawara Castle and Sagami Bay that you have never seen before. It is interesting to see the castle tower of Odawara Castle from this angle. The sunset sinking into Hakone was beautiful. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the closing 2020 years.


2020年12月25日 神奈川県小田原市 箱根を望む

旧東海道 大磯,Old Tokaido Road Oiso,旧东海道 大矶


Oiso has a beautiful row of pine trees and still retains many of the atmosphere of the old Tokaido. The beach of Oiso has been called “Koyurugi no Hama Beach” since ancient times, and is a place where beautiful utamakura (a place famed in classical Japanese poetry) appeared in Manyoshu.When the railway opened in the Meiji period, the area flourished as a seaside resort (Be the first in Japan) and as a villa area for Genkun in the Meiji period. Oiso is said to be the birthplace of Shonan due to its mild climate, and there are many historical places such as the place associated with Toragozen,, who fell in love with Juro, the older brother of the Soga brothers. I thought of it on the beach.


2020年12月21日 神奈川県大磯町 こゆるぎの浜(照ヶ崎海岸)

サヨナラ2020年, Goodbye 2020,再见2020年

大晦日の茅ヶ崎海岸は空気が澄みきっていて今年最後の夕陽と夕焼けはとても鮮烈な色あいだった。浜辺にはたくさんの人がいて今年最後の夕陽を見送っていた。来年は皆さまに幸多かれと祈ります。今年も幣美術館にお立ち寄りいただきありがとうございました。来年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。大晦日馬に追はるゝ夢見たり 子規

Chigasaki Beach on New Year’s Eve had a clear air and the last sunset and sunset of the year was very vivid. There were so many people on the beach that they watched the last sunset of the year. I wish you all the best next year. Thank you for stopping by the chigasaki Sunset Museum this year. I look forward to working with you again next year.


2020年12月31日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸ヘッドランド


知多夕景 野間埼灯台,Chita Sunset Nomazaki Ligthouse,知多夕景 野间埼灯塔


The view from Nomazaki Lighthouse on Chita Peninsula is one of the best scene in Ise Bay. I enjoyed the view of the sunset and beautiful sunset over the Kii Peninsula. This year will also end. I prayed that next year would be a good year.


2020年12月29日 愛知県美浜町 野間埼灯台

葉山 森戸神社,Hayama Morito Shrine, 叶山森户神社


The evening view from Morito-jinja Shrine in Hayama is called ‘Morito no Sekisho’ and has been chosen as one of the top 50 scenic spots in Kanagawa. The sky became madder and the color of the sea surface changed every moment. I couldn’t see Mt. Fuji, but the view is wonderful whenever I come. This temple is said to have been founded by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo. Beyond the monument of the late Yujiro Ishihara who loved this place, there is the Hayama Lighthouse (Another name: Yujiro Lighthouse) that his older brother Shintaro Ishihara built in memory of his younger brother.


2020年12月11日 神奈川県葉山町 森戸神社

鎌倉建長寺の夕陽,Kamakura Kenchoji Temple’s Sunset,镰仓建长寺的夕阳


After visiting Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura, a famous temple of the Rinzai sect, I climbed Mt. Shojoken in the precincts and watched the sunset. I could also see Kamakura Gakuen below. I sang the words to the classic Southern All Stars song, ”Bid farewell to the sunset’. Sagami Bay can also be seen beyond Wakamiyaoji Street. It was a beautiful sunset.


2020年12月4日 神奈川県鎌倉市 建長寺