

Autumn has advanced, and it is the season of frosting of 24 sekki. It is said that it is the time when dew is cooled by cold air and falls as frost, but today’s Chigasaki is blessed with good weather and many fishing boats are out. The air was becoming clearer and the sunset more vivid. The sunset is beautiful.


2020年10月24日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年10月24日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年10月24日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸

かなとこ雲と反薄明光線,Incus and Anti-twilight rays,金床云和反黎明光线


A huge cumulonimbus appeared over Yamanashi on the evening of August 30. The top of the cloud is wide and flat, and it is called ‘Kanatoko (gold floor) Clouds’ because of its shape. They were seen in a wide range of areas, including Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, and made the news. At about the same time, anti-twilight rays also appeared in Sagami Bay. From the sky above Miura Peninsula, which is opposite to the direction of the sun, light pillars radiantly extended toward Izu Peninsula. The moon appears and the scene is fantastic. I was lucky to be able to take pictures on the same day, because I rarely see these clouds and anti-twilight rays.

八月三十日晚,山梨县上空出现了巨大的积雨云。云层的顶部是平坦的,它的形状被称为『金床 (金属地板)云』。还在琦玉、千叶、东京、神奈川等广泛地区目击到这个消息。几乎同时相模湾也出现了反黎明光线。从与太阳方向相反的三浦半岛上空,放射线状的光柱向伊豆半岛方向延伸。月亮出来的梦幻景象。金床云和反明光线很少留在图像中,我很幸运能够在同一天拍摄。

2020年8月30日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎海岸ヘッドランド

立秋,The biginning of Autumn,立秋


酒のんで一日秋をわすれけり 子規

Risshu is the day when summer reaches its peak and the signs of autumn begin to appear. In the 24 divisions of the old calendar, Risshu is between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox, and from then until the first day of winter falls. This year, the rainy season has finally ended for a very long time, but is it already the beginning of autumn? The days of intense heat continued, but today’s sunset at Chigasaki Beach was somewhat autumn.


2020年8月10日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸
秋立ちぬ 茅ヶ崎海岸

立夏,The biginning of summer,立夏


Today is Rikka. One of the 24 divisions of the solar year. It is said to be the day when spring reaches its peak and a hint of summer begins to appear. It is midway between the Vernal Equinox and the summer solstice, and it is summer from today until the beginning of autumn. During the beginning of summer, the beach is full of blooming false Bindweed, and the beautiful pink blooms will add color to Chigasaki in early summer. The flower language is’ kizuna. ‘. The evening sun shone with petals amid the roar of the sea.


2020年5月5日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 
2020年5月5日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市



Although Kawazucho in Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture, the birthplace of Kawazu-zakura, is famous for its cherry blossoms, there are 70 of them in full bloom along Koidegawa River in Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The flowers are more pink than Somei Yoshino cherries. Although the annual cherry blossom festival held to counter the coronavirus was canceled, many cherry blossom viewers visited the festival. Today is also the first Emperor’s Birthday in Reiwa period.


2020年2月23日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市

星祭,Hoshi Matsuri,星祭


 日一分一分ちゞまる冬至かな  子規

Buddhist rituals. It is also called Hoshi Kuyo. It is held on the winter solstice, New Year’s Day and the first day of spring in the old calendar in order to exclude national and individual disasters. Today is the winter solstice. There are only 10 days left this year. The first year of Reiwa era is coming to an end.


2019年12月16日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

二百十日,210th day,二百十日


日の照りて風吹く二百十日哉  子規  

It is the 210th day from the first day of spring the lunar calendar. Usually, typhoons hit Japan on September 1. Around this time, the ears of rice come out and it is said to be an unlucky day for farmers.Disaster Prevention Day is also set for September 1.


2017年9月18日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸


カラスが海を眺めていた。仲間はいない。一声も啼きもせずしばらくして去った。どこへ行くのだろう。旅烏浮巣にのつて流れけり 子規

A crow was watching the sea,has no friends.He left for a while without a single voice or a roar. Where are you going?

一只乌鸦在看海。 他离开了一会儿没有声音或尖叫声。 他要去哪儿。

2019年5月9日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 西浜海岸


茅ヶ崎漁港,Chigasaki fishing port,茅崎渔港


Chigasaki Fishing Port is located in the center of the Sagami Bay coast, overlooking the Izu Peninsula, Miura Peninsula, and Mount Fuji. In addition to fishing boats, there are many leisure boats and round-trip boats around Eboshi iwa. In the early summer,
False bindweed flowers on the nearby beach are full of flowers. The sunset is also beautiful.

茅崎渔港位于相模湾海岸的中心,俯瞰伊豆半岛,三浦半岛,富士山。 除了渔船,还有许多休闲船和在乌帽子岩周围的往返船。 初夏,在附近的沙滩上浜昼顔开满鲜花。 夕阳也很美。

2019年2月1日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎漁港



The symbol of Chigasaki. The official name is “Ubashima”. It is 1.4 km off the Chigasaki coast, and it is also a landmark.
It also often appears in the Southern All Stars songs.

茅崎的象征。 正式名称是“姥岛(Ubashima)”。 距离茅崎海岸有1.4公里,也是一个地标。 它也经常出现在南方之星的歌曲。

2018年11月3日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 烏帽子岩