星祭,Hoshi Matsuri,星祭


 日一分一分ちゞまる冬至かな  子規

Buddhist rituals. It is also called Hoshi Kuyo. It is held on the winter solstice, New Year’s Day and the first day of spring in the old calendar in order to exclude national and individual disasters. Today is the winter solstice. There are only 10 days left this year. The first year of Reiwa era is coming to an end.


2019年12月16日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸



That is the 50th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The official name of this temple is Higashiyama Rurikoin.It was built by Gyoki under the order of Emperor Koken. The principal image is the Yakushi Nyorai, which is said to have been carved by Gyoki. The view of Matsuyama Castle and Seto Inland Sea from the precinct has an atmosphere and this is the view of Matsuyama that I love.


2019年7月6日 愛媛県松山市 繁多寺

弘法大師 上海, Kobo Daishi Shanghai,弘法大师 上海


I visited the Jingansi Temple in Shanghai, China. Jingansi Temple is a famous temple in China built in the third century by the order of Sun Quan of Wu. Kobo Daishi also visited this temple as a Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China. The grounds of the shrine were filled with the smell of fragrant olive.


2018年10月20日 中国上海市

二百十日,210th day,二百十日


日の照りて風吹く二百十日哉  子規  

It is the 210th day from the first day of spring the lunar calendar. Usually, typhoons hit Japan on September 1. Around this time, the ears of rice come out and it is said to be an unlucky day for farmers.Disaster Prevention Day is also set for September 1.


2017年9月18日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

明治神宫,Meiji jingu,明治神宫

令和初日に参拝した。雨。参道の緑が美しい。くじで御歌を引く。【勤労 みがかずば玉の光はいでざらむ 人のこころもかくこそあるらし 昭憲皇太后御歌】

I visited the first day of Reiwa. It was raining. The green of the worship road was beautiful.

我参观了令和的第一天。 下雨了。 崇拜道路的绿色是美丽的。

2019年5月1日 東京都渋谷区 明治神宮

立夏,the beginning of summer, 立夏


At the beginning of the summer season,False bindweed begin to bloom on the beach in Chigasaki. Flower language is “Bonds”. It is the beginning of summer.

在立夏的时候,在茅崎的海滩上,浜昼颜开始绽放。 花语言是“绊”。 这是夏天的开始。

2019年5月9日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 柳島海岸


 一の矢は富士を目かけて年始  子規

The Heisei Goes Down. To the Reiwa.


2019年4月15日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市



The cherry blossoms on behalf of Tokyo. About 260 cherry blossoms, such as “Someiyoshino” and “Oshimazakura”, are said to be the first choice for cherry blossom popularity of foreign tourists. Canola flowers are also in full bloom now.

代表东京的樱花盛名。 种植了“染井吉野”和“大岛樱”等约260棵樱花,据说是外国游客的樱花人气排名第1选择。油菜花现在也盛开。

2019年4月7日 東京都千代田区北の丸公園 桜田門方面を望む

花冷え,chilly spring weather,寒冷的春天天气


 花も過ぎなほ花冷の情君思ふ  山口青邨

When I thought it was warm and spring came, it became cold again. The cherry blossoms are so cold that I want to put on my jacket.

当我觉得它温暖而春天来了,又变得冷了。 樱花很冷,我想穿上夹克。

2015年4月4日 愛媛県松山市 松山城



The sun’s rays are getting stronger and the sea is getting warmer. The arrival of the surfing season. Surfers wait for the waves.

太阳的光线越来越强,大海越来越暖和了。 冲浪季的到来。 冲浪者等待海浪。

2018年4月15日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸