These are treasures of my hometown Kurashiki. Mamakari(big-eye sardine) , sea bream , octopus sushi. Delicious, delicious.
这些是我家乡仓敷的宝藏。 Mamakari(大眼沙丁鱼),海鲷,章鱼寿司。 美味,美味。

夕陽と花に魅せられて fascinated by the sunset and flowers 被夕阳和花吸引 Copyright © 2018 CHIGASAKI SUNSET MUSEUM. All Rights Reserved.
These are treasures of my hometown Kurashiki. Mamakari(big-eye sardine) , sea bream , octopus sushi. Delicious, delicious.
这些是我家乡仓敷的宝藏。 Mamakari(大眼沙丁鱼),海鲷,章鱼寿司。 美味,美味。
On the way from Matsuyama to Fukuoka, I saw the Suo oshima from the air. Since ancient times, it has been an important port for maritime traffic. In the Seto Inland Sea, it is very large after Awajishima and Shodoshima.
在从松山到福冈的途中,我从空中看到了周防大岛。 从远古时代起,它就是海上交通的一个重要的港口,在濑户内海它在淡路岛和小豆岛之后很大。
Opening of port in 2006.The meaning of Suvarnabhum is the Sanskrit word “golden land”. There were many visitors from overseas and the airport was crowded.
2006年开放港口。 素万那普是梵语中的“黄金之地”。 来自海外的游客很多,机场人满为患。
菜の花や 月は東に 日は西に 与謝蕪村
Poem about Spring. When Rape blossoms begin to bloom, I feel the arrival of spring. Many literati people also loved this flower.
关于春天的诗。 当油菜花开始绽放时,我感受到了春天的到来。 许多文人也喜欢这种花。
It’s getting cold! But at Azumayama the rape blossoms are already blooming. Have a little patience. Watch out for cold.
变冷了! 但是在吾妻山,油菜花已经开花了。 有一点耐心。 小心感冒。
This year’s new year three days are really “the sun of Japan.” “Nihonbare” refers to weather that is completely cloudless and clear. This is a wonderful sky.
今年的新年三天是真的“日本的太阳”。 “Nihonbare”指的是完全无云且清澈的天气。 这是一个美妙的天空。
Thato is a Jodo Shrine temple and the bodhi temple of the Tokugawa family. A two shot with Tokyo Tower is quite impressive.There were many people of first visit to temple this year. Monkey showman was done in the precincts.The scenery is typical of the new year.
净土宗的寺庙。 德川家族的菩提寺。 和东京铁塔的二次击球相当有冲击力。 今年也有许多人首次访问寺庙。 猴子表演者在区内有。这真是新春特有的风景。
Naritasanshinshoji is one of the center of Shingon sect Chizan school principal . Master is Fudomyouo. The number of worshipers is most in the whole country in the Buddhist temple. There are a lot of foreign tourists near Narita airport. I ate eel in the approach.So delicious.
真言宗智山派系本山之一。 本尊是不动明王。 新年的崇拜者的数量在佛教寺院全国排名第一。 在成田机场附近有很多外国游客。 我吃了鳗鱼。很好吃。
A personal watercraft runs behind the first sunrise,run away in a blink of an eye. I also experienced in Hawaii.The power is amazing.
一辆水上自行车只在第一个日出后跑,眨眼间就跑开了。 我也在夏威夷经历过。力量惊人。
It was born in Waikiki, Hawaii. You can go far and enjoy it with or without waves. It seemed to be very pleasant while taking the first sunrise.