

That is the 14th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites. Its official name is Tsubakido Jofukuji. The principal images are Enmei Jizo Bosatsu and Fudo Myoo. It is said to have been founded by Kobo Daishi.It is located along the road from Kawanoe to Ikeda. It is said that the name of this temple comes from the fact that camellias sprouted from a stick Kobo Daishi poked to contain noxious vapors and grew into a large tree. The camellia, which is called Daishi Otsue Tsubaki, is said to be 300 years old in the third generation and is very thick in the precincts. I was entertained by a temple staff who said that there was no need to pay the sutra offeringfor the Arukihenro of pilgrimage. The temple is small but impressive.


2019年7月15日 愛媛県四国中央市

ブロッケン現象,Brocken spectre,布洛肯现象


Air travel from Sapporo New Chitose Airport to Narita Airport. Luckily, I witnessed the Brocken phenomenon. Brocken’s phenomenon is a phenomenon in which the light from the sun behind is scattered by clouds and fog particles on the shadow side and appears as a ring of light like a rainbow. It is famous as a weather phenomenon in mountains, but it can be seen from aircraft. The name is said to come from the fact that it was often seen on Mt. Brocken, the highest mountain in Germany. It is also known as the specter of Brocken.In Japan, it is called goraigo. I was fascinated by this strange sight for a while.


2019年9月24日 札幌新千歳空港から成田空港への空の上
2019年9月24日 太平洋上空



That is the 13th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites. It is also the inner sanctuary of Sankakuji,which is the number 65 temple of the Shikoku 88 sacred.The principal image is Kobo Daishi. It is said to have been founded by Hodo. From Sankakuji temple across the mountain to the bank of the Dosangawa river. I finally reached the steep approach along the mountain stream looking at the waterfall. The atmosphere of seclusion is strong. It is rare that the main hall is the stage.The rain has gone and the blue sky is so beautiful.


2019年7月15日 愛媛県四国中央市



That is the 65th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The temple was founded by Gyoki under the order of Emperor Shomu. The principal image is the 11 faced Kanzeon Bosatsu, which is said to have been created by Kobo Daishi. It is the last fudasho of the Iyo-ji route and is on the hillside of Mt. Sankakuji which is 465 meters above sea level. I climbed endlessly in the pouring rain from a henroyado in Iyomishima, overlooking the paper mills of Kawanoe. I am welcomed by vipers on the way. The stone steps leading to the temple gate are steep and quite hard.


2019年7月15日 愛媛県四国中央市



It is one of the 24 divisions of the old calendar and this year is April 4. In China, it is called Seimeisetsu, and it is a national event to visit ancestors’ graves and clean them. A time when everything is bright, clean and beautiful. On this day, I climbed my favorite Mt. Azuma and enjoyed the cherry blossoms in full bloom. It was like heaven.


2020年4月4日 神奈川県二宮町

四国中央市 延命寺,Shikokuchuo City Enmeiji, 四国中央市 延命寺


That is the 11th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites. The honzon (principal image of Buddha) is Enmei Jizo Bosatsu. The Kaiki (patron of a temple in its founding) is said to have been Gyoki. It is read in the same kanji as Enmeiji Temple, which is the 54th temple on the 88 Temples of Shikoku in Imabari City. The pine tree that Kobo Daishi planted in this area in the Heian period lived until the Showa period, but now the withered trunk is sleeping quietly in the precincts. When I looked at pictures of the past, I was surprised at the extent and vitality of the branches stretching from north to south, east to west. As soon as the former priest died, the pine tree died, so people of the time said that the priest might have taken pine tree.


2019年7月14日 愛媛県四国中央市



That is the 64th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.It was built by Enno Ozuno.The principal image is Amida Nyorai.It is located at the foot of Mt. Ishizuchi, a sacred mountain. The temple grounds are large and the main hall looks magnificent and majestic. I looked up at Mt. Ishizuchi from the approach. When I visited our temple before, I remembered that I was entertained by an old lady who lived nearby with an orange.


2019年7月13日 愛媛県西条市

小田原紀行,Odawara journey,小田原纪行


I took a walk in Odawara after a long time. First, go to Odawara Castle which is one of the 100 famous castles in Japan. This castle was the residence of the Hojo family that reigned in Kanto region for 100 years from the first generation Soun Hojo, and it withstood the attacks of Kenshin Uesugi and Shingen Takeda and was called an impregnable castle. There are many big red pine and black pine trees, and the castle tower is beautiful. Hotoku Ninomiya-jinja Shrine in the castle enshrines Ninomiya Sontoku, a thinker of the Edo period. “Economy without morality is a sin.” he said. Miyuki no Hama Beach is goog one where Emperor Meiji and his wife visited. You can see Izu Peninsula, Hatsujima Island, Oshima Island, Miura Peninsula and Boso Peninsula. It is blessed with seafood and the kamaboko is a specialty. I ended my trip with hot sake and yakitori.


2020年3月11日 神奈川県小田原市



That is the 63th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.It was built by Kobo Daishi.The principal image is Bishamonten.Of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku, only this temple is dedicated to Bishamonten. There is a stone called Jojuishi in the precincts, and it is said that if you close your eyes from near the main hall, walk to Jojuishi with a kongozue, and stick the kongozue through the hole, your wish will come true. This temple is located in the city center, but I can feel the calm and relaxed atmosphere of the precincts.


2019年7月13日 愛媛県西条市

柴又帝釈天,Shibamata Taishakuten,柴又帝释天

正式名称は、経栄山題経寺(きょうえいざん だいきょうじ)。帝釈天はもともとはインドの神で、仏教に取り入れられて仏を守る神となった。超人気映画シリーズ『男はつらいよ』ゆかりの寺。最寄りの京成電鉄柴又駅を降りると、寅さんとさくらの像が迎えてくれる。境内の御神水と言われる湧き水で手を洗い、お参りした。新型ウイルスの影響か、いつも参拝客で賑わっている参道には人影がまばらだった。近くの江戸川の土手に登り、柴又の街に沈んでいく夕陽を眺めた。柴又から松戸方面へ江戸川を渡る“矢切の渡し”はすぐそばにある。

It’s official name is Kyoeizan Daikyoji. Taishakuten was originally an Indian god and became a god to protect Buddha after being introduced to Buddhism. This temple associated with the extremely popular movie series “Otoko ha tsuraiyo(Men are hard)”. When you get off at the nearest station, Shibamata Station of the Keisei Electric Railway, the Tora-san and Sakura statues welcome you. I washed my hands in the spring water called goshinsui in the precincts and prayed. Probably because of the new virus, there were few people on the approach, which was always crowded with visitors. Going up the banks of the nearby Edo River, I saw the sunset sinking into the town of Shibamata. The “Yagiri no Watashi” crossing the Edo-gawa River from Shibamata toward Matsudo is located nearby.


2020年3月5日 東京都葛飾区柴又