ナンジャモンジャ,Chionanthus retusus,Namja monja


The real name is “Hitotsubatago”. The plant whose name is unknown is said to have been called “Nanjamonja”. Many bloom in Aichi and Gifu, with small white flowers in early summer. Flower language is “integrity”.

真正的名字是“Hitotsubatago”。 据说名字不详的植物被称为“Nanjamonja”。 许多在爱知县和岐阜县开花,初夏有小白花。 花语是“廉正”。

2014年5月5日 愛媛県松山市 ロープウエー通り

シャクナゲ,Alpine rose,杜鹃花


I met a group of Alpine-roses at the Imperial Palace Higashi Gyoen. The flowers are so beautiful i have been watching the flowers for a while. This flower language is “

我在皇居东御苑遇到了一群杜鹃花。 这朵花太美我被感动了。
用汉字说石楠花。 花语是“庄严”。

2019年4月7日 皇居東御苑



The cherry blossoms on behalf of Tokyo. About 260 cherry blossoms, such as “Someiyoshino” and “Oshimazakura”, are said to be the first choice for cherry blossom popularity of foreign tourists. Canola flowers are also in full bloom now.

代表东京的樱花盛名。 种植了“染井吉野”和“大岛樱”等约260棵樱花,据说是外国游客的樱花人气排名第1选择。油菜花现在也盛开。

2019年4月7日 東京都千代田区北の丸公園 桜田門方面を望む

箱根 湯本,Hakone Yumoto,箱根 汤本


There are a lot of historic ryokans, old ruins and good trees near Yumoto Bridge that hangs on the beautiful Hayakawa of the
serage, leaving the taste of Hakone.


2019年4月3日 神奈川足柄下郡箱根町 湯本橋



A glamorous yellow flower that bloomed in the early spring. Tell us about the arrival of spring. Flower language is “secret love.”

在早期的春天开花的一朵富有魅力的黄色花。 告诉我们春天的到来。 花语是“秘密的爱”。

2019年3月17日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市

夜桜,night cherry blossom,夜樱花


The riverbank of the early spring Kisogawa. Kawazu cherry blossoms were blooming quietly. Rendezvous with moon.

早春的木曾川河岸。 河津樱花静静地绽放。与月亮约会。

2019年3月9日 愛知県犬山市 木曽川河畔



Matsuyama Castle is a cherry blossom spot. About 200 Somei yoshino cherry blossoms and Oshimazakura cherry blossoms are in full bloom in the spring. That’s a landscape like heaven. It was also chosen as “Japan Cherry Blossom 100 Sights Selections”. You can see the castle tower of Matsuyama castle beyond the cherry blossoms.

松山城是一个樱花盛开的地方。 春天,大约有200棵染井吉野樱花和大岛樱花盛开。 像天堂一样的风景。 它还被选为“日本樱花著名的地方100选”。 您可以看到樱花之外的松山城堡塔。

2016年4月3日 愛媛県松山市 松山城

椿,Camellia japonica,茶花


Camellia japonica has beautiful flowers and leaves, and has been loved since the Manyoshu. There are 250 kinds of Camellia japonica in the Himuro Tsubaki garden in Chigasaki city, and this place always entertain visitors.

茶花有美丽的花朵和叶子,自万葉集以来一直深受喜爱。 在茅崎市的冰室椿花园里有250种茶花,它将招待游客。

2019年2月11日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 氷室椿庭園

花水木,Cornus florida,四照花


This flower was born in the United States and resembles Japan ‘s Yamaboshi so alias as “American Yamaboshi”. It also became the title of a hit song of Yo hitoto. It was beautiful shining in the blue sky in full bloom …

这朵花出生在美国,类似于日本的Yamaboshi所以别称为“American Yamaboshi”。 它也成为Yo Hitoto热门歌曲的标题。 它在盛开的蓝天中闪耀着美丽…

2015 年4月27日 愛媛県松山市 道後公園

水仙 /Narcissus /水仙


As I climbed Mt. Azumayama, Narcissuses were in full bloom. The combination of white and yellow is very good.The flower language of white narcissus is “mystery”.

当我爬上吾妻山时、水仙盛开了。 白色和黄色的组合非常好。

2019年1月14日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山