花見,Hanami(cherry-blossom viewing),赏樱花


The cherry blossoms of the moat of Matsuyama Castle were in full bloom. Spring sunshine is gentle. The turtle and the bird were having a good time enjoyng Hanami. It’s finally the season of Hanami. Let’s have fun.

松山城的护城河的樱花盛开。 春天的阳光温柔。 乌龟和鸟儿很高兴看到赏樱花。 这终于是赏樱花的季节。 让我们玩得开心。

2015年4月3日 愛媛県松山市 松山城

しゃぶしゃぶ,Shabu shabu,涮锅


I ate wakame and octopus in the day at Himakajima. The freshly picked wakame is very delicious from now on. It was so delicious to eat 4 pots, the owner surprised and came to say thank you. I want to come back.

我在日间贺岛吃了裙带菜和章鱼涮锅一天。 从现在开始新鲜采摘的裙带菜非常美味。 它是如此美味,如果你也吃4盆,商店的老板感到惊讶来感謝我。 我想再回来。

2019年3月10日 愛知県知多町南知多町 日間賀島「乙姫」にて

佃煮,boiled down in soy,佃煮


I simmered the Tsukushi with soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. It matched well with the dish of Tobe-yaki, which is characterized by the white color. Sweet and bitter taste of early spring. I ate with sake. delicious.

我用酱油,糖和芝麻油炖刷。 它与Tobe-yaki的菜肴相配,其特点是白色。 早春的甜味和苦味。 我喝酒,一起吃。 美味的。

2015年3月29日 愛媛県松山市

鶯,Japanese bush warbler,莺


  鶯の声になまりはなかりけり 子規

Ho ho ke kyo. As it begins to call in early spring, it is also said that it is a spring bird. Cherry and olive green were vivid in the blue sky.

Ho ho ke kyo。 因为它在早春开始呼唤,也有人说它是一只春天的鸟。 樱花和绿茶色在蓝天中非常明亮。

2016年3月22日 愛媛県松山市 松山城

猿回し,monkey showman,耍猴儿


A street performance. It comes from China in the Nara period and is said to be a major in the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. He has attracted many audiences in the temple with amazing art and charm.

街头表演。 它来自奈良时期的中国,据说是古代美索不达米亚文明的一个专业。 他在增上寺以惊人的艺术和魅力吸引了众多观众。

2019年1月4日 東京都港区芝公園 増上寺



我出生在冈山的一个桃子农舍里。 春天的桃花源的景色是我原来的风景。 我不能忘记夏天吹着桃子碗的风的甜美气息。 开花的时间很快来。

I was born in a peach farmhouse in Okayama. The view like
a paradise on earth is my original landscape. I can not forget the sweet scent of the wind blowing the peach bowl in the summer. The time of flowering comes soon.

2018年8月8日 今年も故郷より



Put octopus and condiment in the flour dough and bake it in a round shape. Soft, fragrant and delicious. You can be happy with a reasonable amount. That was born in Osaka.

将章鱼和调味品放入面粉面团中,然后将其烘烤成圆形。 柔软,芬芳,美味。 您可以以合理的金额满意。 它诞生于大阪。

2019年2月20日 私の大好きなタコ焼き

日間賀島,Himaka island,日间贺岛


A small island floating in Mikawa Bay. I went by ferry from Chita peninsula. It is famous for octopus and pufferfish. After enjoying the octopus shabu-shabu and sake, I took a walk around the beach. That was wonderful!.

漂浮在三河湾的一个小岛。 我从知多半岛乘渡轮去了。 它以章鱼和河豚而闻名。 享用章鱼涮锅和清酒后,我在海滩散步。 太棒了!

2017年3月18日 愛知県知多郡南知多町 日間賀島

春立ちぬ,Spring has com,春天来了

 春立て鴨の心のいそがしき 子規

The beginning of spring passed. In soler term it is spring until the beginning of summer. Will the Fukinoto bloom soon?

立春过去了。 从二十四节气来看、直到立夏季节是春天。 Fukinoto很快就会开花吗?

2019年1月14日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山より相模湾を望む

白梅,white plum,白梅

 白梅や雪かと見れば匂ふ枝 子規

The biginning of spring has passed. The plum blossoms began to bloom. The plum blossom festival begins everywhere in Japan.Spring has com.

立春过去了梅花开始绽放。 梅花节从本周开始在各个地方举行。 春天来了。

2019年2月10日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 高砂緑地