雨上がりの天草福岡ライン,Amakusa Fukuoka Air line after rain,雨後的天草福岡航線


うつくしう淋しき虹や秋のくれ  子規

 I went to Fukuoka Airport from Amakusa Airport after the rain. The shaking of the propeller plane is fresh. Sunshine is mysterious over the Genkai Sea. A rainbow greeted me at Fukuoka Airport. When I landed, the setting sun appeared and stood out against the wet runway.


20211110 Fukuoka

離島ブルース 種子島,Island Bruce Tanegashima,孤島佈魯斯 種子島


  鉄砲のとゞかぬ空や鳥帰る 子規

 I stood on Cape Takakura, the southernmost point of Tanegashima. Yakushima can be seen in the west. The Portuguese once landed here and introduced guns to Japan. A monument stood quietly on the shore where they landed. The Tanegashima Space Center can be faintly seen beyond.  


20240211 Tanegashima Kagoshima

秋の日向へ2023,To the autumn Miyazaki 2023,到秋天宮崎2023


  秋の海鳥飛ぶ方にひろがれり  子規

 Miyazaki’s scenery is photogenic. The tropical sunshine and rows of trees in Phoenix make it look like Hawaii and was once a honeymoon mecca. Backpackers from all over the world came to the guest house in Aoshima. Aoshima Shrine is also famous as a power spot. I miss it since my high school trip. The sun is bright.  

 宮崎的風景是攝影師。南國的陽光和成排的鳳凰樹像夏威夷一樣,曾經是蜜月的聖地。來自世界各地的背包客來到青島的賓館。青島神社作為能量景點也很有名。高中修學旅行以來的訪問令人懷唸。太陽很耀眼。 #宮崎 #日向 #青島 #フェニックス

20231120 Aoshimna Miyazaki prefcture

富士山嶺 2023,Top of Mt.Fuji 2023, 富士山頂 2023

富士山頂を久々に拝む。「あたまを雲の上に出し 四方の山を見降ろして…」(童謡「ふじの山」)のとおりの眺めだ。この撮影のあとしばらくして初冠雪があったらしい。富士山にも冬の季節が近づいている。美しい風景をしばし楽しんだ。今年もあと2か月半か。

 西行の顏も見えけり富士の山 子規 

I worship the top of Mt. Fuji for the first time in a long time. The view is exactly as described in the children’s song “Mt. Fuji”: “Put your head above the clouds and look down at the surrounding mountains …” Apparently there was the first snow cover a while after this shoot. The winter season is approaching for Mount Fuji, too. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery for a while. Another two and a half months this year.  

久違地參拜富士山山頂。正如童謠《富士之山》 (音譯) 所說的那樣,“讓青玉站在雲上,看著周圍的山…”。在這次拍攝之後,似乎有一段時間的第一場雪。富士山也即將迎來冬季。欣賞了美麗的風景。今年還有兩個半月。

20230920 Above Mt.Fuji

徳島空港,Tokushima Airport,德岛机场


The nickname is “Tokushima Awa Odori Airport”. It shares it with the Maritime Self-Defense Force. I got down to this airport for the first time today. My Shikoku pilgrimage starts from tomorrow.

绰号是“德岛阿波舞蹈机场”。 它与海上自卫队共享。 我今天第一次来到这个机场。 我的四国朝圣从明天开始。

2019年5月20日 徳島県板野郡 徳島空港

北京首都国際空港,Beijing Capital International Airport,北京首都国际机场


This is the largest airport in China. I am going back to Japan from now. It is the morning of 10 degrees below zero. The sky was beautiful.

中国最大的机场。 我现在要回日本了。零下10度的早晨。天空很美。

2018年2月10日 中国 北京首都国際空港

金浦国際空港,Gimpo International Airport,金浦国际机场


I dropped in at Gimpo on my way to Haneda from Beijing. I remember it for the first time in about 30 years. Security during the Winter Games (Pyeongchang) was strict.

我从北京前往羽田的途中在金浦逛了一趟。 我记得它是大约30年来的第一次。 冬季运动会(平昌)的安全是严格的。

2018年2月10日 韓国 金浦空港

タンソンニャット国際空港,Tan Son Nhat International Airport,新山一国际机场


It is located in the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. It is convenient from the city center. Previously it was called Saigon International Airport. Impression that this airport is quiet and calm.

它位于越南胡志明市的郊区。 从市中心很方便。 以前它被称为西貢国际机场。 这个机场安静平静的印象。

2018年3月11日 ベトナムホーチミン市 タンソンニャット国際空港
2018年3月11日 ベトナムホーチミン市 タンソンニャット国際空港

成田空港,Narita Airport,成田机场


This airport was opened in 1978. The number of international lines is the highest, and the number of airlines is the largest in Japan. That is surrounded by forests and fields,the view of Narita airport from the sky is so beautiful.

1978年开放港口。 国际航班的航班起飞和抵达次数以及进入机场的航空公司数量都是日本机场最大的。 机场周围环绕着森林和乡村,天空美景。

2018年10月21日 千葉県成田市 成田空港

スワンナプーム空港,Suvarnabhumi International Airport,素万那普国际机场


Opening of port in 2006.The meaning of Suvarnabhum is the Sanskrit word “golden land”. There were many visitors from overseas and the airport was crowded.

2006年开放港口。 素万那普是梵语中的“黄金之地”。 来自海外的游客很多,机场人满为患。

2018年7月19日 タイ スワンナプーム空港
2018年7月19日 タイ スワンナプーム空港
2018年7月22日 タイ スワンナプーム空港