お礼参り 霊山寺,Thanksgiving Ryozenji,還願 靈山寺


I went to Ryozenji to pray for the completion of 88 sacred places. I headed to Ryozenji, the first fudasho, after I met the vow of the special reijo (sacred ground) at Otakiji. I was welcomed by sunflowers in the mountains of Awa City, where the weather was clear. I had lunch at an udon restaurant near the third temple, Konsenji. There was a autograph of Angela Aki in the store. Cold udon was especially delicious for the body that was dazed by the heat. Arriving at Ryozenji, I finally connected the circle of Fudasho. I prayed and received bracelet nenju at Nokyosho to celebrate Kechigan. I can’t believe I could walk all around Shikoku. Today’s inn is near the pier of Tokushima Port. Tomorrow I’m going to take a ferry to Koyasan Okunoin for thanksgiving. Today was my last day in Shikoku. I ate Tokushima ramen near JR Tokushima Station and saw Mt. Bizan at dusk. It had a beautiful silhouette.

前往靈山寺參拜八十八處靈地的滿願。在大瀧寺迎接特別聖地的滿願後前往第一號名剎的靈山寺。在晴朗的阿波市的山裡受到向日葵們的歡迎。在三號名剎金泉寺旁邊的烏冬面店吃午飯。店內有Angela Aki的彩紙。在因炎熱而朦朧的身體裡,冷烏冬面格外美味。到達靈山寺,名剎的圈子終于相連了。還願後,納經所為滿願獻上手鐲唸珠。光是徒步就能繞四國一周,真是難以置信。今天的旅館在德島港碼頭的旁邊。明天坐渡輪去高野山奧之院還願。今天是四國的最後一天。在JR德島站附近品嘗德島拉面,傍晚眺望眉山。很漂亮的輪廓。

第三番札所の今泉寺近くのうどん屋の冷やしうどん 麺もツユも絶品。おでんも美味しそう。
2019年8月2日 霊山寺本堂
徳島ラーメン 濃い醤油味に豚バラ、生卵。



That is the 82 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.The principal image is 1000 hands of Kanzeon Bosatsu. It was founded by Kobo Daishi and converted to the Tendai sect in the Edo period. It is in the middle of Aomine of Goshikidai.I arrived at Shiramineji on foot on the former pilgrimage road, Negoroji-michi. Go down the stairs from the temple gate and go up to Daishi-do. Go up the stairs to the main hall. It is a cathedral utilizing the steep landform. I could see the nostalgic streets of Takamatsu and Yashima. Oniyuri and Kikyo (Chinese bellflower) bloomed in the precincts and healed the fatigue of the pilgrimage.


2019年7月24日 香川県高松市 根香寺より高松市の街並み、屋島を望む

精進料理,Lenten fare,素斋


The lenten fare is a dish in which no meat is used but only vegetables, grains and beans are used in accordance with Buddhist precepts. The lenten fare of Senyuji is wonderful in both sight and taste. Brown rice, julienned potatoes, vegetable tempura and sesame tofu were especially delicious. The scenery of Imabari and Seto Inland Sea viewed from this temple is also superb.


2019年7月9日 愛媛県今治市 仙遊寺

茅ヶ崎漁港,Chigasaki fishing port,茅崎渔港


Chigasaki Fishing Port is located in the center of the Sagami Bay coast, overlooking the Izu Peninsula, Miura Peninsula, and Mount Fuji. In addition to fishing boats, there are many leisure boats and round-trip boats around Eboshi iwa. In the early summer,
False bindweed flowers on the nearby beach are full of flowers. The sunset is also beautiful.

茅崎渔港位于相模湾海岸的中心,俯瞰伊豆半岛,三浦半岛,富士山。 除了渔船,还有许多休闲船和在乌帽子岩周围的往返船。 初夏,在附近的沙滩上浜昼顔开满鲜花。 夕阳也很美。

2019年2月1日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎漁港

春節,Spring festival,春节


Spring Festival refers to the New Year of the Lunar New Year in China and Greater China. The houses and the streets are decorated with red decorations. A firecracket rings, and a lion dance is danced. I enjoyed the Spring Festival in Yokohama’s Chinatown.

春节是指中国和大中华区的农历新年。 房屋和街道都装饰着红色装饰。 一个火炬响,一个舞狮跳舞。 我很喜欢横滨唐人街的春节。

2018年2月17日 神奈川県横浜市 中華街
2017年1月29日 横浜港大桟橋

江の島 /Enoshima /江之岛


Enoshima was beautiful at night. A scenic spot representing Shonan. It landed in the Kanto large earthquake.

江之岛夜晚很美。 代表湘南的风景名胜区。 它与土地相连。在关东大地震中。

2018年3月24日 神奈川県藤沢市 江の島