春の渚 ピンクムーン,Spring Beach Pink Moon,春天的海濱 粉紅月亮


I enjoyed this spring’s atmosphere on the beach of Chigasaki. Clouds fluttering on Mt. Fuji, lingering lights on the beach, surf waves, happy surfers. It was a warm and quiet evening.The full moon climbed over Enoshima in twilight time. Native American tribes called the full moon of April the Pink Moon. The afterglow of moonlight reflected on the surface of the water and the shadows of surfers.


20220416 Chigasaki Beach

山桜 湘南大磯,Yamazakura in Shonan Oiso,山櫻 湘南大磯


 山桜夢を埋めて散りにけり 子規

Shonan-daira is located on the mountain border between Oiso and Hiratsuka. I walked up from JR Oiso Station for the first time in a while. The observation deck is one of the best spots in Shonan. The pink of mountain cherry trees stands out in the blue Sagami Bay. I watched the sunset over Mt. F


20200409 Shonan Oiso the view from Shonandai

桜だより,First tidings of Cherry blossoms,櫻花消息


 山里に恋をはなれし桜哉 子規

Spring has come to Shonan. Many Cherry Someiyoshino are in full bloom at the top of Mt. Azuma in Ninomiya, and azaleas and daffodils are also in bloom. People came to see the cherry blossoms and relaxed, and it was like a paradise. I heard woodpeckers calls and distant temple bells.


20220402 Cherry bolossoms in Shonan Mt.Azumayama

岬めぐりの旅,Cape tour,海角巡遊之旅


 あなたがいつか話してくれた岬を僕は訪ねてきた…(「岬めぐり」山上路夫作詞 より)

I like capes. I felt a sense of travel and visited many capes, and have many memories. My heart was broken when I was a student, and I traveled by bus along the coastline of the Izu Peninsula like Yamamoto Kotaro’s “Misaki Meguri.”. The journey around the cape continues.

我喜歡海角。感受旅情,巡遊很多海角,回憶也很多。當我還是一名學生時,我失戀了,我乘坐公共汽車在伊豆半島的海岸線上旅行,就像Yamamoto Kotaro的“海角之旅”。海角之旅將繼續。

愛知県知多半島 野間﨑より伊勢湾を望む
京都府京丹後市 経ヶ岬より日本海を望む
高知県室戸市佐喜浜町 鹿岡鼻
高知県室戸市 室戸岬
高知県土佐清水市 足摺岬より太平洋を望む
和歌山県由良町 白崎より紀伊水道を望む
愛媛県伊方町 佐田岬より豊予海峡を望む
高知県黒潮町 井ノ岬 足摺岬が見える
高知県室戸市 室戸岬より太平洋を望む
Ehime Yawatahama Suwazaki

茅ヶ崎の河津桜,Kawazu-zakura in Chigasaki,茅崎的河津櫻


 西行の命なりけりはつさくら 子規

Spring has come to the Koide River in Chigasaki. The early blooming Kawazu-zakura and the winter scarlet cherry trees are in full bloom. The petals are lit by the sunset like a peach blossom village. I also enjoyed the sweet smell of rape blossoms.


20220312 Kawazu-zakura in Chigasaki

春一番,First gale in spring,春一番


 春風や吹のこしたる富士の雪 子規

Haruichiban blew in Kanto yesterday, March 5. The strong wind made waves, but the sunlight was powerful. The early blooming cherry blossoms kawazu-sakura and Mimosa also began to bloom. Spring is already there.


2022年3月6日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市茅ヶ崎海岸
20220306 Chigasaki Beach in Kanagawa

吾妻山 花の春,Flowers of Spring on Mt.Azumayama,吾妻山 花之春


ふらふらと行けば菜の花はや見ゆる 子規

The spring of the lunar calendar has come. Although it was still cold and the real spring did not come, the flowers of today’s season, such as Nanohana, Sazanka and daffodils, were blooming well on Mt. Azuma in Shonan Ninomiya.


2022年2月11日 神奈川県二宮町吾妻山

余寒の候,It’s still cold,余寒


 夕くれの風になりたる余寒哉  子規

Cold days continue even after Rissyun ( the first day of spring in the lunar calendar ). Rain to snow is forecast for Kanto today. I miss the coming of spring. On the Chigasaki coast, many surfers braved the bitter cold to enjoy surfing in the sunset.


初春の潮騒,The sound of waves in “Hatsuharu”,初春的潮騷


 若くなる人の心や春の旅  子規

New Year’s Chigasaki beach. The air was clear and sea was shining. January is already over. “Daikan” has passed and “Rissyun” is near. The buds of Mimosa, which is waiting for the arrival of spring, are getting colored.


2022初夕陽, 2022 First Sunset in Chigasaki Beach,2022初夕陽

2022年今年最初の夕陽が伊豆半島に落ちていく。空は澄み、富士山のシルエットがクッキリ見えて美しい。箱根の大涌谷の噴煙もたなびいている。 今年も始まった。

元日や鶴も飛ばざる不二の山 子規

2022 The first sunset of the year falls on the Izu Peninsula. The sky is clear and the silhouette of Mt. Fuji can be clearly seen.The volcanic smoke from Owakudani in Hakone is flying. It started this year.
