凧揚げ,Kite flying,放风筝


There are kites all over the world, and it is interesting to see kites in various shapes depending on the country, such as insects, birds, dragons and phoenixes. Since ancient times, in Japan, people have flown kites high at New Year’s to wish for the health and growth of boys.


2020年1月2日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市茅ヶ崎海岸

初夕陽 2019 /the first sunset 2019 /第一次日落 2019


It is the first sunset this year,went down to the Izu peninsula. Refreshing orange. This year also my best regards.


2019年1月1日 元旦 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

初詣 2019 /the first visit of the year to a shinto shrine 2019 /新年到参拜 2019


New Year ‘s visit to Shrine this year is Enoshima shrine too.Amazake(sweet sake) is as delicious as ever. Omikuji(a written oracle) is good for me. Illumination of Enoshima observation lighthouse was beautiful.

今年的新年参拜神社也是江之岛神社.甜酒和以往一样美味。书面神谕对我有好处。 江之岛观景灯塔的照明很美。

2019年1月2日 神奈川県藤沢市 江島神社



Floating island phenomenon. The Miura Peninsula and the Boso peninsula seemed to float up. If there is cold air on the warm sea surface it is said that the ray is strongly refracted and it happens. It was a mysterious sight.

浮岛现象。 三浦半岛和博索半岛似乎浮起来了。 如果在温暖的海面上有冷空气,则说射线强烈折射并且发生。 这是一个神秘的景象。

2019年1月1日 元旦 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸

初日の出 2019,the first sunrise 2019,第一次日出 2019


It is the beginning of 2019. Japanese zodiac sign of this year is boar (swine in China). The sunrise of this year was so beautiful like Orange is getting thicker. The scenery that surfer waits for the sunrise is a unique scene of Chigasaki. Wish you a good year.

橙色变深的状态很美丽。 祝你好年头。

2019年1月1日 元旦 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸