夏の思い出 2024,Memories of Summer 2024,夏天的回憶 2024


 秋風はまだこえかねつ雲の峰  子規

 The equinoctial flowers have bloomed. Hot days continue, but the season is changing. The wind is somewhat cool today. Little autumn seems to have come. Here are my summer memories. I will miss the summer heat soon.


20240923  Chigasaki Beach 

伊予の旅 2021,Travel in Iyo 2021,伊予之旅 2021


 松山や秋より高き天主閣  子規

 I once lived at the foot of Matsuyama Castle for three years. Ehime (Iyo) has beautiful scenery, rich history and culture, and peaceful people. There are many delicious foods and sake, so I want to live there again. I traveled to Uwajima, Yawatahama and Matsuyama three years ago. It was a nice place as always …

 曾經在松山城的山腳下住了3年。愛媛 (伊予) 風景優美,歷史和文化色彩濃厚,人也很平靜。美味的食物和日本酒也很多,想再住一次。3年前去了宇和島、八幡浜、松山旅行。還是個好地方…

     2021 Ehime Prefecture

蓮の季節 大船 2024,Lotus Season Ofuna 2024,蓮之季 大船 2024


ふいと来て見るもうれしや蓮の花  子規

 The lotus season. Lotus is one of my favorite flowers. The flower language is’ pure heart ‘. The sweet scent of lotus leaves is a memory of my hometown long ago. Water lilies on the surface of the water are also nice. I enjoyed many kinds of lotus flowers in Ofuna. Let’s come again next year.  


  Ofuna Kamakura 20240728

茅ケ崎 夏の夕暮れ 2024,Chigasaki Summer Sunset 2024,茅崎夏之黃昏2024


のびきつて夏至に逢ふたる葵かな 子規

Dusk at Chigasaki just before the summer solstice. It’s humid and cloudy. Mt. Fuji peeked out but soon hid …. But summer is here. Chigasaki season. Hamayu was swaying comfortably.  


20240616 Chigasaki Kanagawa

雨上がりの天草福岡ライン,Amakusa Fukuoka Air line after rain,雨後的天草福岡航線


うつくしう淋しき虹や秋のくれ  子規

 I went to Fukuoka Airport from Amakusa Airport after the rain. The shaking of the propeller plane is fresh. Sunshine is mysterious over the Genkai Sea. A rainbow greeted me at Fukuoka Airport. When I landed, the setting sun appeared and stood out against the wet runway.


20211110 Fukuoka

椰子の実ブルース 伊良湖岬恋路ヶ浜,Coconut Blues Irako Cape Koijigahama,椰子果實佈魯斯 伊良湖岬戀路之濱



 I was attracted by the lyrical world of this poem and came to Koijigahama in Cape Irako from Toyohashi by private railway and bus. It is said that Toson SHIMAZAKI created this poem after hearing an episode from Kunio YANAGIDA about picking up a coconut on this beach. I stood for a moment on the beach and thought of the journey of the coconut that washed up from far away. The Cape Irako Lighthouse is close. On the way back, we enjoyed specialty eel and local sake in front of Toyohashi Station.  

 我被這首詩的抒情世界所吸引,從豐橋換乘私營鐵路和巴士,來到伊良子岬的戀路浜。島崎藤村聽柳田國男講述了在這個海濱撿椰子果實的趣事,創作了這首詩。 我在海灘上佇立片刻,想起了從遠處飄來的椰子果實之旅。距離伊良子岬燈塔很近。回程在豐橋站前品嘗了名產鰻魚和當地酒。

20240417 Koijigahama Irako Cape

港町ブルース 渥美半島 伊良湖港,Port Town Blues Atsumi Peninsula Irago Port,港町佈魯斯 渥美半島 伊良湖港


 春風や伊勢をの海人のさばき髪 子規

 I stood on the wharf of Irako Port in early spring. The wind was still cold, and a few cats were slumping, sheltering the wind. Irako Port, located at the tip of the Atsumi Peninsula in Aichi Prefecture, is a strategic point in the sea that connects the Pacific Ocean, Ise Bay, and Mikawa Bay. Ships connecting Toba and the remote island of Mikawa Bay await departure. The sun was setting on the Chita Peninsula. I bought a souvenir for my family at the passenger terminal.  


20240417 Irago Port Atsumi Peninsula Aichi Prefcture

桜夕景2024 湘南吾妻山,Sakura Sunset 2024 Shonan Azumayama,櫻夕景2024 湘南吾妻山


 鶯の老を鳴くなり遅桜  子規  

 Spring has finally arrived at Azuma Mountain, and I will love this year’s cherry blossoms. Mt. Fuji was obscured by clouds and the Izu Peninsula was hazy, but the calm atmosphere created a quiet spring. I heard a the sound of Japanese nightingale for the first time this year.


20240406 Azumayama Ninomiya Kanagawa

離島ブルース 種子島,Island Bruce Tanegashima,孤島佈魯斯 種子島


  鉄砲のとゞかぬ空や鳥帰る 子規

 I stood on Cape Takakura, the southernmost point of Tanegashima. Yakushima can be seen in the west. The Portuguese once landed here and introduced guns to Japan. A monument stood quietly on the shore where they landed. The Tanegashima Space Center can be faintly seen beyond.  


20240211 Tanegashima Kagoshima

港町ブルース 和歌山 文里港,Port Town Blues Wakayama Mori Port,港町佈魯斯 和歌山 文裡港


 夕月やけふる港のかゝり船 子規

 Mori Port in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture is located along the Kumano Kodo Road. It is said that at the end of the war, this port welcomed more repatriates than Maizuru Port from the north as a port of withdrawal from the south. The lighthouse and the angler look good together. The evening sun was setting toward Muroto-misaki in Kochi Prefecture.


20240227 Wakayama Mori Port