台湾ビールと豚のお粥 油条もたっぷり 至福の時 高校生の娘も店のお手伝い
Taiwanbeer and pork porridge many fried breads a happy time
A daughter of high school student helps out
台湾啤酒和猪肉粥 很多油条 幸福的时刻 高中生的女儿也帮助商店

夕陽と花に魅せられて fascinated by the sunset and flowers 被夕阳和花吸引 Copyright © 2018 CHIGASAKI SUNSET MUSEUM. All Rights Reserved.
台湾ビールと豚のお粥 油条もたっぷり 至福の時 高校生の娘も店のお手伝い
Taiwanbeer and pork porridge many fried breads a happy time
A daughter of high school student helps out
台湾啤酒和猪肉粥 很多油条 幸福的时刻 高中生的女儿也帮助商店
新幹線の車窓より 富士は素晴らしく美しかった
はつきりと 富士の見えたる 寒さ哉 子規
A shooting from the train window of the Shinkansen
Mt.Fuji was fantastic and so beautiful
从新干线的火车窗口射击 富士非常漂亮
台北で最も歴史のあるお寺 台北最強のパワースポットらしいですよ
The most historic temple in Taipei it seems to be Taipei’s strongest power spot
台北最具历史意义的寺庙 这似乎是台北最强大的力量点
合掌造りの集落が今も 世界遺産登録で外国からの観光客が多くてびっくり
The settlement of the Gassho family still remains surprised many tourists from foreign countries due to world heritage registration
仍有很多乡村宫殿定居点 许多来自国外的游客在世界遗产登记 我很惊讶
I visited Koyasan to report on the conclusion of Pilgrimage.
It is Mt.Fuji in early autumn.Crown of snow will come soon.
東三環道路より北京駅方面を見る 暮れていく北京
Watching the direction of Beijing station from the east third ring road
Beijing’s dusk
从东三环看北京火车站 北京的黄昏
That is the scenery from Taipei 101.Can see Songshan Airport is far away.
Once the town flourished by gold mining. The stage of the movie ‘Ruthless City’.
夕焼けて日和になりぬ秋の雲 子規
Autumn is calmly coming down.There is a sign of autumn at dusk.