東京タワー,Tokyo Tower,东京铁塔


The symbol of Tokyo. At completion (1958) it was the world’s tallest self-supporting tower. Also, Tokyo Tower appeared in many movies and dramas, including “Always Sunset on Third Street”. The monster Mothra also destroyed Tokyo Tower. Since the design is beautiful, the light up shines well.

东京的象征。 建成后(1958年)它是世界上最高的自支撑塔。 此外,东京塔出现在许多电影和戏剧中,包括“ALWAYS第三街日落”。 怪物Mothra也摧毁了东京塔。 由于设计美观,灯光照得很好。

2019年1月4日 東京都港区芝公園 東京タワー



Thato is a Jodo Shrine temple and the bodhi temple of the Tokugawa family. A two shot with Tokyo Tower is quite impressive.There were many people of first visit to temple this year. Monkey showman was done in the precincts.The scenery is typical of the new year.

净土宗的寺庙。 德川家族的菩提寺。 和东京铁塔的二次击球相当有冲击力。 今年也有许多人首次访问寺庙。 猴子表演者在区内有。这真是新春特有的风景。

2019年1月4日 東京都港区芝公園 増上寺

銀座 時計塔,Ginza clock tower,银座 钟楼


The symbol of Ginza.Westminster’s bell rings.It also appeared in “Godzilla”.

银座的象征。威斯敏斯特的钟声响起了。 它也出现在“哥斯拉”中。

2018年12月27日 東京都中央区銀座