伊予の旅 2021,Travel in Iyo 2021,伊予之旅 2021


 松山や秋より高き天主閣  子規

 I once lived at the foot of Matsuyama Castle for three years. Ehime (Iyo) has beautiful scenery, rich history and culture, and peaceful people. There are many delicious foods and sake, so I want to live there again. I traveled to Uwajima, Yawatahama and Matsuyama three years ago. It was a nice place as always …

 曾經在松山城的山腳下住了3年。愛媛 (伊予) 風景優美,歷史和文化色彩濃厚,人也很平靜。美味的食物和日本酒也很多,想再住一次。3年前去了宇和島、八幡浜、松山旅行。還是個好地方…

     2021 Ehime Prefecture

蜜柑の花,flower of Mandarin,橘子的花


When I went from Ryozenji of Shikoku Pilgrimage the first temple to Gokurakuji of the second temple, the scent of the flowers of mandarin came to me. There is a mandarin field nearby, and a white mandarin flower has bloomed. My favorite smell of early summer.

当我从四国朝圣的第一个寺庙的霊前寺到第二个寺庙的极乐寺时,橘子花的香味来到我身边。 附近有一个橘子场,许多白色的橘子花开了。 我最喜欢的初夏香味。

2019年5月21日 徳島県鳴門市