松山 淡路ヶ峠,Matsuyama Awajigatou,松山 淡路峠


Hantaji, which is Temple 50 on the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage, is located halfway up a mountain called Awaji Pass (Awaji Gato). You can see the Matsuyama Plain and the islands of the Seto Inland Sea from this mountain observatory. It was a fort of Hayashi Awaji no kami 400 years ago. Hirofumi ITO, the first prime minister of Japan, is said to be the 11th descendant of Hayashi Awaji no kami. It was a superb view.


2014年9月28日 愛媛県松山市 淡路ヶ峠

遍路 名城との出逢い,pilgrimage meet the fine castle, 朝圣 遭遇着名的城堡


During the pilgrimage, I visited Ozu Castle. That was repaired by Todo Takatora, a master of castle construction. The view in collaboration with Hiji-kawa River was beautiful,so the author Ryotaro Shiba loved it.


2019年6月29 日 愛媛県大洲市

遍路 名城との出逢い,pilgrimage meet the fine castle, 朝圣 遭遇着名的城堡


During the pilgrimage, I visited Uwajima Castle. That was founded by Todo Takatora, a master of castle construction. It is one of the 100 best castles in Japan. The area around the castle is a virgin forest and is a treasure house of nature with large trees.


2019年6月27日 愛媛県宇和島市

遍路 名城との出逢い,pilgrimage meet the fine castle, 朝圣 遭遇着名的城堡


During the pilgrimage, I visited Kochi Castle. It is the only castle in Japan where honmaru is completely preserved. One of 100 famous castles in Japan. The castle tower is not big, but it is graceful.

在朝圣期间,我参观了高知城堡。 它是全国唯一一座完全保存本丸的城堡。 日本一百座着名城堡之一。 城堡塔不大,但很优雅。

2019年6月11日 高知県高知市

犬山城夕景Ⅱ,Inuyama Castle evening viewⅡ,犬山城堡晚上视图Ⅱ


I enjoy standing in the Kisogawa riverbank and enjoying the time of the twilight passing by. The lighted up Inuyama Castle was a fantastic scenery reflecting on the river surface.

我喜欢站在木曾川河岸,享受暮色流逝的时光。 被照亮的犬山城是一个反映在河面上的奇妙景色。

2019年3月9日 岐阜県各務原市 木曽川河畔

犬山城夕景,Inuyama Castle evening view,犬山城堡晚上视图


 不来方(こずかた)のお城の草に寝ころびて空に吸われし十五の心 石川啄木

Inuyama Castle at sunset. The silhouette that was raised by the light up was reflecting the sunset.

在日落时的犬山城堡。 灯光照亮的轮廓反映了日落。

2019年3月9日 愛知県犬山市 犬山城

名古屋城,Nagoya Castle,名古屋城堡


Nagoya Castle was built by Ieyasu Tokugawa ,and used as a residence of the Owari Tokugawa family until the Meiji ege. Golden Shachihoko was placed in the castle tower, also called “Golden Shachihoko Castle”. A symbol of Nagoya. 

名古屋城堡由德川家康建造,并作为尾川德川家族的住所,直到明治时代。 k金色的Shachihoko被安置在城堡塔楼,也被称为“金色Shachihoko城堡”。 名古屋的象征。

2016年10月17日 愛知県名古屋市 名古屋城

愛媛 大洲城,Ehime Ozu Castle,爱媛 大洲城 


Ozu has beautiful scenery and history, and many movies and dramas were filmed. Ukai is also famous. The view from the castle is also nice. The castle tower was restored in 2004.

小津拥有美丽的风景和历史,拍摄了许多电影和戏剧。 鵜飼也很有名。 从城堡的景色也很好。 城堡塔楼于2004年重建。

2015年5月31日 愛媛県大洲市 大洲城

織田信長,Mr.Nobunaga Oda,织田信长


He is a warrior daimyo who is famous all over Japan. Portuguese missionary Lewis Frois said that he was “who ruled the worlwith great wisdom.”Gifu Castle where Nobunaga Oda resided is located on top of Kinka-zan at an altitude of 329 meters and is a landmark of Gifu citizens.

他是一位在日本闻名的战士大名。 葡萄牙传教士刘易斯弗罗伊斯说,他“是以大智慧统治世界的”。织田信长居住的岐阜城位于海拔329米的金华山山顶,是岐阜市民的标志。

2016年11月15日 岐阜県岐阜市 岐阜城