

That is the 48th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.It was built by Gyoki under the order of Emperor Shomu. The principal image is the 11 faced Kanzeon Bosatsu, which is said to have been carved by Gyoki. The sound of the stream in front of the gate is pleasant. Bright red lotus flowers were blooming in the Benzaiten pond on the temple grounds. I am now entering the urban area of Matsuyama city.


2019年7月5日 愛媛県松山市 西林寺


八坂寺から西林寺へ向かう途中に“杖の淵”と呼ばれる湧水地がある。弘法大師がここを通りかかったときに干ばつに苦しんでいる住民を見て杖を突き立てると清水が湧き出たという。清水は今も湧き出ていて透明度がすごい。公園として市民の憩いの場所になっている。 日本名水百選の1つで西林寺奥の院でもある。

There is a spring called “Jyo no fuchi” on the way from Yasakaji to Seirinji. It is said that when Kobo Daishi was passing here, he thrust a stick against the ground to help the drought-stricken residents, and then water gushed out. The water still gushes out and is very clear. It is a recreation area for citizens as a park. It is one of the top 100 famous waters in Japan and the Oku-no-in (inner sanctuary) of Seirinji.


2015年10月3日 愛媛県松山市 杖の淵