遍路 名城との出逢い,pilgrimage meet the fine castle, 朝圣 遭遇着名的城堡


During the pilgrimage, I visited Ozu Castle. That was repaired by Todo Takatora, a master of castle construction. The view in collaboration with Hiji-kawa River was beautiful,so the author Ryotaro Shiba loved it.


2019年6月29 日 愛媛県大洲市



That is the 43th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is the Senjukanzeonbosatsu.It was built under the order of Emperor kinmei and rebuilt by Kobo Daishi.I took a detour because the pilgrimage route from Butsumokuji was destroyed by heavy rain. At the hotel where I stayed, I enjoyed pickles pickled in Nukadoko (rice bran bed), which was inherited from the Edo period, and local sake to relieve my fatigue.


2019年6月28日 愛媛県西予市

弘法大師 上海, Kobo Daishi Shanghai,弘法大师 上海


I visited the Jingansi Temple in Shanghai, China. Jingansi Temple is a famous temple in China built in the third century by the order of Sun Quan of Wu. Kobo Daishi also visited this temple as a Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China. The grounds of the shrine were filled with the smell of fragrant olive.


2018年10月20日 中国上海市



That is the 42th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is Dainichi Nyorai which is said to have been carved by Kobo Daishi. This temple was also built by Kobo Daishi.It rained heavily while I was praying, and I took shelter from the rain at the rest area in front of the temple gate. I spent a while talking with the pilgrims from Tokyo and Fukushima. The pickles served at the reception were delicious.


2019年6月28日 愛媛県宇和島市