

That is the 37th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord are the Five Buddhas of Fudo Myoo, Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu, Amida Nyorai, Yakushi Nyorai and Jizo Bosatsu. It was built by Gyoki Bosatsu by the order of Emperor Shomu. The ceiling of the main hall is decorated with 575 pictures drawn by ordinary citizens. I stayed at a Shukubo and had dinner at a nearby Izakaya. I orderd Japanese sake Tosazuru and a beating of Utsubo. It was so delicious.


2019年6月16日 高知県高岡郡四万十町



That is the 5th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites. The Lord is the Kobo Daishi.The founder was also Kobo Daishi. It is the only exceptional Sacred Site in Kochi Prefecture.Before paying a visit to Daizenji, I ate “Nabeyaki Ramen”, a specialty of Suzaki, for lunch. Since my body was cold due to the heavy rain, the warm and strong taste was delicious.


2019年6月15日 高知県須崎市



That is the 36th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is Namikirifudomyoou.Kobo Daishi opened this temple.In the heat wave, I walked 14 kilometers from Kiyotakiji and finally reached Usa. The Yokonami Peninsula where Syoryuji is located and the Pacific Ocean seen from Tsukaji Pass were beautiful.It is said that Asashoryu, a former yokozuna, trained on the long stairs of Syoryuji Temple in his high school days.


2019年6月14日 高知県土佐市