吉野川,Yoshino river,吉野川



From Kirihataji of the 10th temple go to Fujiidera of the temple. Cross the Yoshino River. This river is one of Japan’s three violent rivers. It is said that it brought fertile soil from the upstream when it overflowed and contributed to the cultivation of Moth. The flow of the river provides me with coolness, and the heat is lessened.

从四国八十八个朝圣的第十座寺庙的切幡寺到第十一座寺庙的藤井寺。越过吉野川。 这条河是日本三条发狂的河流之一。 据说,当它是洪水的时,从上游带来肥沃的土壤,有助蓝的栽培。 河水流动让我感到凉爽,热量也减少了。

2019年5月22日 徳島県吉野川市 吉野川


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