Yuyuan Shopping Center is a town next to Yu Yuan Garden.
This is a very popular soup dumpling’s restaurant. The queue waiting for entrance is always very long.

夕陽と花に魅せられて fascinated by the sunset and flowers 被夕阳和花吸引 Copyright © 2018 CHIGASAKI SUNSET MUSEUM. All Rights Reserved.
Yuyuan Shopping Center is a town next to Yu Yuan Garden.
This is a very popular soup dumpling’s restaurant. The queue waiting for entrance is always very long.
Matsuyama Castle is a cherry blossom spot. About 200 Somei yoshino cherry blossoms and Oshimazakura cherry blossoms are in full bloom in the spring. That’s a landscape like heaven. It was also chosen as “Japan Cherry Blossom 100 Sights Selections”. You can see the castle tower of Matsuyama castle beyond the cherry blossoms.
松山城是一个樱花盛开的地方。 春天,大约有200棵染井吉野樱花和大岛樱花盛开。 像天堂一样的风景。 它还被选为“日本樱花著名的地方100选”。 您可以看到樱花之外的松山城堡塔。
Put octopus and condiment in the flour dough and bake it in a round shape. Soft, fragrant and delicious. You can be happy with a reasonable amount. That was born in Osaka.
将章鱼和调味品放入面粉面团中,然后将其烘烤成圆形。 柔软,芬芳,美味。 您可以以合理的金额满意。 它诞生于大阪。
Shiroishi’s nose mega-stone group in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. Only in spring equinox and autumnal equinox, sunset passes through the hole of Mitsuishi standing in front of Shiraishiryu Shrine, and this mystery has not been elucidated yet.It is called Matsuyama ‘s Stonehenge.
在爱媛县松山市的白石的鼻子超级石头组。 只有在春分和秋分,日落穿过站在白石龙神神社前面的三石洞,这个谜还没有被阐明。它被称为松山的Stonehenge。
When Ieyasu tokugawa moved to Edo, it was said that it became a guardian of Edo castle. It is famous also that one of the Edo Three Great Festivals “Sanno Festival” will be held. There are many worshipers who are close to the government office and business districts, and start work of the New Year.
当徳川家康搬到江户时,它成了江户城的守护者。 着名的还有江户三大节日之一的“山王节”。 有许多信徒靠近政府办公室和商业区,并开始新的一年的工作。
Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage the 72th temple. According to history of this temple, the foundation is the oldest in Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage 596 years. The main priest is Dainichinyorai. The stone statue’s Dainichinyorai’s face is so beautiful.
四国八十八个朝圣的第72个寺庙。 根据这座寺庙的历史,该基础是四国最古老的88个朝圣之旅596年。 主祭司是大日如来。 石像的佛像是如此美丽。
On a journey from Narita to Matsuyama.It was fine and I overlooked the Nagoya Port well. You can see the Kii peninsula beyond Chubu International Airport.
从成田到松山的旅程。晴朗的天空。我很好地看到了名古屋港。 您可以在中部国际机场外看到紀伊半岛。
A small island floating in Mikawa Bay. I went by ferry from Chita peninsula. It is famous for octopus and pufferfish. After enjoying the octopus shabu-shabu and sake, I took a walk around the beach. That was wonderful!.
漂浮在三河湾的一个小岛。 我从知多半岛乘渡轮去了。 它以章鱼和河豚而闻名。 享用章鱼涮锅和清酒后,我在海滩散步。 太棒了!
Camellia japonica has beautiful flowers and leaves, and has been loved since the Manyoshu. There are 250 kinds of Camellia japonica in the Himuro Tsubaki garden in Chigasaki city, and this place always entertain visitors.
茶花有美丽的花朵和叶子,自万葉集以来一直深受喜爱。 在茅崎市的冰室椿花园里有250种茶花,它将招待游客。
Nagoya Castle was built by Ieyasu Tokugawa ,and used as a residence of the Owari Tokugawa family until the Meiji ege. Golden Shachihoko was placed in the castle tower, also called “Golden Shachihoko Castle”. A symbol of Nagoya.
名古屋城堡由德川家康建造,并作为尾川德川家族的住所,直到明治时代。 k金色的Shachihoko被安置在城堡塔楼,也被称为“金色Shachihoko城堡”。 名古屋的象征。