

That is the 21th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is the Kokuzou Bosatsu. This temple was built for the order of Emperor kanmu. The scale of the temple is large, and is said to be Koyasan in the west.


5019年5月29日 徳島県阿南市加茂町



That is the 20th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is the Jizou Bosatsu. This temple was built by Kobo Daishi for the order of Emperor kanmu. The pilgrimage road to this temple is one of the hardest places where steep slopes continue.


2019年5月29日 徳島県勝浦郡勝浦町

遍路花紀行,pilgrimage flower travel,朝圣花旅行


I found a large tree of Yamatsutsuji on a pilgrimage road from Jigenji to Kakulinji. It seems that red flowers are in full bloom and enjoying the season.

我在慈眼寺到鶴林寺的朝圣之路上找到了一棵大的Yamatsutsuji。 似乎红色的花朵盛开,享受着这个季节。

2019年5月29日 徳島県勝浦郡勝浦町



That is the 3th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites. The Lord is the Eleven-sided Kannon. Another name of this temple is the temple of Ana Zenjo. That is a cave in the vicinity of the main hall, where Koho Daishi practiced once in this cave. Many people are practicing today as well. Sawaganis were welcomed on the pilgrimage route.

四国特別朝圣的第三座寺庙。本尊是十一面観世音菩萨。这座寺庙的另一个名字是穴禅定的寺庙。 这是一个在大厅附近的洞穴,弘法大师曾经在这个洞穴接受过训练。 今天很多人都在练习。沢蟹在朝圣路线上受到欢迎。

2019年5月28日 徳島県勝浦郡上勝町



That is the 19th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is the Enmei Jizou Bosatsu that is reported to have been created by Kobo Daishi. This temple was built by Gyoki Bosatsu for the order of Emperor Shomu. The silhouette of the statue of Kobo Daishi and the tower is beautiful.


2019年5月27日 徳島県小松島市 



That is the 18th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage,was founded by Gyoki Bosatsu. The lord is Yakushi Nyorai that is reported to have been created by Gyoki Bosatsu. It is said that Kobo Daishi received a visit from his mother during his training at this temple. Hydrangea was beginning to bloom in the temple grounds.

四国八十八个朝圣的第十八座寺庙。本尊是釈迦如来,据报道是由行基菩萨创建的。行基菩萨建立了。 据说弘法大师在这座寺庙的训练期间接受了她母亲的访问。 紫陽花开始在寺庙地面开花。

2019年5月27日 徳島県小松島市

徳島ラーメン,Tokushima Ramen,德岛拉面


I enjoyed sightseeing in Tokushima a little while on the way from Idoji Temple to Onzanji Temple. After enjoying the view of Bizan, I visited several famous Tokushima Ramen restaurants. Although the taste differs depending on the store, it seems that pork belly and thick pork bone soup are common.

在从井戸寺到恩山寺的路上,我很享受德岛的观光。 在欣赏眉山的景色后,我参观了几家着名的德岛拉面餐厅。 拉面的味道因商店而异,但似乎猪肚和厚厚的猪骨汤是共同的。

2019年5月26日 徳島県徳島市



That is the 17th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is the Seven Buddhas that is reported to have been created by Prince Shotoku. Emperor Tenmu opened this temple. Mountain gate is so luxury.


2019年5月25日 徳島県徳島市



That is the 16th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is the thousand-handed Kanzeon Bosatsu that is reported to have been created by Kobo Daishi. This temple was built by Gyoki Bosatsu for the order of Emperor Shomu. After worship, I had a zaru udon and chirashi sushi at a nearby udon shop.

四国八十八个朝圣的第十六座寺庙。本尊是千手観世音菩薩。据报道是由弘法大师创建的。这座寺庙由皇帝聖武命令,由行基建造。 参观完寺庙后,我在附近的乌冬面店吃了一个小寿司和zaru乌冬面。

2019年5月25日 徳島県徳島市



That is the 14th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage. The lord is Miroku bosatsu that is reported to have been created by Kobo Daishi.Kobo Daishi also opened this temple. In the precinct, a rock fault is exposed and it is a rare scene. The cat was coming to play.

四国八十八个朝圣的第14座寺庙。本尊是弥勒菩萨,据报道是由弘法大师创建的。弘法大师也开了这座寺庙。在该区域,岩石断层暴露,这是一个罕见的场景。 那只猫正在上场。

2019年5月25日 徳島県徳島市