木更津からまっすぐ川崎へ 東京湾は意外と大きい
From Kisarazu straight to Kawasaki Tokyo Bay is unexpected big
从木更津直接到川崎 东京湾是意外大
茅ヶ崎夕陽美術館 Chigasaki Sunset Museum 茅崎夕阳美术馆
夕陽と花に魅せられて fascinated by the sunset and flowers 被夕阳和花吸引 Copyright © 2018 CHIGASAKI SUNSET MUSEUM. All Rights Reserved.
木更津からまっすぐ川崎へ 東京湾は意外と大きい
From Kisarazu straight to Kawasaki Tokyo Bay is unexpected big
从木更津直接到川崎 东京湾是意外大
Seoul as seen for the first time in 30 years right after the opening of the Winter Olympics was a forested high-rise building and developed.
ホーチミンから成田への空の旅 与論島がよく見えた
The travel from Ho Chi Minh to Narita I could see well Yoron Island
胡志明机场到成田机场 可以看到与論岛
That’s is a trip on the sky heading to Thailand.The color and shape of the clouds are so beautiful.