春爛漫吾妻山,Spring has come to Azumayama,春爛漫吾妻山


  風寒し人の陽気にさく桜  子規

The cherry blossoms are early this year. Mt. Azuma in Shonan is full of flowers. Rapeseed, camellia, iris, daffodils, azaleas and cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The setting sun and the sea were visible and the scenery was like heaven.


20230401 Azumayama Shonan Kanagawa

曽我の里をゆく,Walk in Soga village,在曾我的故鄉看梅花


 春風や野にも山にも梅の花  子規

 I visited the Soga Bairin in Odawara City for the first time in two years. It was the home of the Soga clan in the Kamakura period and is associated with “Soga Story,” one of the three major revenge attacks in Japan. 35000 plum trees seemed to herald the arrival of spring. The setting sun shone through the flowers of plums and waubai, reflecting the color of the blue sky.  


20230211 Kanagawa Odawara

菜の花畑に夕陽が沈む,The sun sets in the rapeseed field,夕陽西下的油菜田


ふらふらと行けば菜の花はや見ゆる 子規 

 The deep cold has passed and the first day of spring is just around the corner. The season is gradually approaching spring. In Mt. Azuma in Ninomiya Town, rapeseed blossoms are in full bloom. The language of flowers is’ cheerful ‘and’ cheerful. The orange of the setting sun, the yellow of the flowers, and the green of the stems stand out so well that I can feel the signs of spring.  


20230128 Kanagawa Ninomiya Town Mt.Azuma

新春サーファーズ 2023, New Year Surfers 2023,新春衝浪者們 2023


星は消え月はしらみて初日の出 子規

The year 2023 has dawned. It will be a wonderful sunny day this year. At Chigasaki Beach, surfers wait for the first sunrise at sea. An annual view. I look forward to welcoming you to my channel again this year!


20230101 Kanagawa prefecture Chigasaki Beach

さよなら2022 最後の夕焼け,Goodbye 2022 Last Sunset,再見2022最後的晚霞


又三百六十五度の夕日哉  子規

Huge rain clouds appeared on Christmas Day and turned red at sunset. It’s the first sunset in a long time that even the sea turns red. It was a fitting sunset to end the year. I wish you all the best next year.


20221225 Kanagawa prefecture Chigasaki Beach

冬の海 暮れる2022年,Going away 2022 Winter Sea,冬天的大海 2022年過去了


 風吹て師走八日といふ日哉  子規

It’s cold. It’s a winter sea. The air is dry and the sunlight is strong, but the wind is strong and the waves are high. Winter is finally here. The winter solstice is approaching, and the sun is moving to its southernmost point. Shiwasu. There are two weeks left in the year.


20221218 Kanagawa Prefecture Chigasaki Beach

暮れゆく秋の日,A closing autumn day,秋日漸落


 酒のんで一日秋をわすれけり  子規

An autumn day is coming to an end. The morning and evening temperatures will also get colder. The first day of winter in the 24 season is just around the corner. How soon will it be another two months this year?


20221030 Kanagawa Chigasaki Beach

深まる秋Ⅱ,Deepening autumn Ⅱ,深秋Ⅱ


 すさまじき雲の走りや秋の空 子規

The sweet scent of a golden rhino. The sky rising higher and higher. Fresh sea breeze. The sunset over the sky. Autumn grows deeper and deeper.


20221010 Kanagawa Chigasaki Beach

夜の大須観音,Osu kannon in the night, 夜之大須觀音


 古里や小寺もありて秋の風  子規

I visited Osu Kannon at night for the first time in a while. The empty grounds are just tranquil. When I lived in Nagoya, I lived in Osu, and when I wanted to refresh my mind, I visited Osu Kannon Temple day and night. It is one of the three great Kannon in Japan and the bekkaku-honzan (special head temple) of the Chisan school of the Shingon sect. The principal image is Sho Kannon. Although it is a famous temple, it is a friendly temple that coexists with the town.


20220905 Aichi Nagoya Osu Kannon