サヨナラ2020年, Goodbye 2020,再见2020年

大晦日の茅ヶ崎海岸は空気が澄みきっていて今年最後の夕陽と夕焼けはとても鮮烈な色あいだった。浜辺にはたくさんの人がいて今年最後の夕陽を見送っていた。来年は皆さまに幸多かれと祈ります。今年も幣美術館にお立ち寄りいただきありがとうございました。来年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。大晦日馬に追はるゝ夢見たり 子規

Chigasaki Beach on New Year’s Eve had a clear air and the last sunset and sunset of the year was very vivid. There were so many people on the beach that they watched the last sunset of the year. I wish you all the best next year. Thank you for stopping by the chigasaki Sunset Museum this year. I look forward to working with you again next year.


2020年12月31日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸ヘッドランド




That is the 18th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites.Its principal image is Seikanzeonbosatsu and its founder was Kobo Daishi. According to temple legend, this temple is the birthplace of Tamayori Gozen, Kobo Daishi’s mother. Behind the main hall is the Seto Inland Sea. I was comforted for a while by the calm view of the sea after a long time. At the temple gate, local sumo wrestlers greeted me instead of Nio statues. From the main hall to Daishi-do called Oku-no-in, cross the JR Yosan Line. Hydrangeas float on the chozubachi in Okunoin and it is beautiful.


2019年7月22日 香川県仲多度郡多度津町

小春 吾妻山,Indian summer Mt.Azuma,小春 吾妻山


I enjoyed the Koharubiyori of Mt. Azuma in late autumn. ​Mt. Azuma near Ninomiya Station on the JR Tokaido Line is a small mountain 136 meters above sea level with a wonderful view overlooking Tanzawa, Fuji, Hakone, Izu Peninsula, Oshima, Miura Peninsula and Sagami Bay. ​How is Chami, the idol cat of Mt. Azuma in Scottish Fold walking up to the top of the mountain? ​It was a beautiful sunset.


2020年11月14日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山
2020年11月14日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山

立冬,The biginning of Winter,立冬


冬立つや立たずや留守の一つ家 子規  

Ritto has come again this year. ​It is said that the day of 24 divisions of the old calendar is the day when autumn reaches its climax and the sign of winter begins to appear. ​From now until the first day of spring is winter. ​The day before the first day of winter, the Chigasaki Beach saw a spectacular sunset that seemed to welcome the first day of winter. 



2020年11月6日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 134号線
2020年10月31日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎漁港

ブルームーン,Blue Moon,青月


In October, there were two full moons in a month at the beginning and the end of the month. The first one was the harvest moon of the first day and the second one was on the 31st. It is rare for a full moon to occur twice a month, but once every two or three years. The second full moon is called a Blue moon. I watched the full moon climbing toward Kamakura from the bank of Chigasaki fishing port.


2020年10月31日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸



Autumn has advanced, and it is the season of frosting of 24 sekki. It is said that it is the time when dew is cooled by cold air and falls as frost, but today’s Chigasaki is blessed with good weather and many fishing boats are out. The air was becoming clearer and the sunset more vivid. The sunset is beautiful.


2020年10月24日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年10月24日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年10月24日 神奈川県 茅ヶ崎海岸

別格霊場 神野寺,Kannoji,神野寺


That is the 17th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites.Its principal image is Yakushi Nyorai and its founder was Kobo Daishi. It is said to have been built by Kobo Daishi with the reward he received when he renovated the Manno-ike pond on the order of Emperor Saga. It is about 25 kilometers from Hagiwara-ji Temple, which is the 16 temple of the special sacred ground. Although it is a small temple, it is surrounded by greenery and has a charm. A statue of this temple Kobo Daishi on a small hill watched over the Manno-ike Pond in the rain. The Manno-ike, which I visited after a long time, was still beautiful and large. It is surprising that the flood control system that Kobo Daishi devised 1,200 years ago still exists today. I ate udon with healthy vegetables while looking at the pond at ‘Karintei’ near Mannoike. From the bank of the pond you can see the streets of Tadotsu and the Seto Inland Sea.


2019年7月21日 香川県仲多度郡まんのう町 

中秋の名月,Harvest Moon,中秋明月


 十五夜の月ふり出すや馬の首 子規

Today is the day of the harvest moon in 2020. According to the lunar calendar, the sky is the clearest and the moon is bright and beautiful in this period of the year. As the name suggests, the beautiful moon rose on the Chigasaki Beach, entertaining the visitors.


2020年10月1日 中秋の名月 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸
2020年9月30日 神奈川県二宮町 吾妻山
2020年10月1日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 茅ヶ崎海岸



That is the 75 th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage.After Kobo Daishi returned to Japan from Tang, he built the temple on the land donated by his father, SAEKI no Yoshimichi, imitating the Qinglong Temple in Changan, China, where his master, Keika Osho, lived. The head temple of the Zentsuji School of the Shingon Sect is said to be the birthplace of Kobo Daishi and the principal image is Yakushi Nyorai. The monastery is huge with majestic buildings and trees such as the Kondo, the five-storied pagoda, and the Nandaimon gate, and is about 1.5 kilometers away from Kozan-ji Temple. I stayed at this temple’s temple lodgings for two nights and attended the morning service every day. The view of the sunset from the shukubo(temple lodgings) is wonderful. It is quite different from other fudasho temples.


2019年7月21日 香川県善通寺市 善通寺 金堂

かなとこ雲と反薄明光線,Incus and Anti-twilight rays,金床云和反黎明光线


A huge cumulonimbus appeared over Yamanashi on the evening of August 30. The top of the cloud is wide and flat, and it is called ‘Kanatoko (gold floor) Clouds’ because of its shape. They were seen in a wide range of areas, including Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, and made the news. At about the same time, anti-twilight rays also appeared in Sagami Bay. From the sky above Miura Peninsula, which is opposite to the direction of the sun, light pillars radiantly extended toward Izu Peninsula. The moon appears and the scene is fantastic. I was lucky to be able to take pictures on the same day, because I rarely see these clouds and anti-twilight rays.

八月三十日晚,山梨县上空出现了巨大的积雨云。云层的顶部是平坦的,它的形状被称为『金床 (金属地板)云』。还在琦玉、千叶、东京、神奈川等广泛地区目击到这个消息。几乎同时相模湾也出现了反黎明光线。从与太阳方向相反的三浦半岛上空,放射线状的光柱向伊豆半岛方向延伸。月亮出来的梦幻景象。金床云和反明光线很少留在图像中,我很幸运能够在同一天拍摄。

2020年8月30日 神奈川県茅ヶ崎海岸ヘッドランド