雨上がりの天草福岡ライン,Amakusa Fukuoka Air line after rain,雨後的天草福岡航線


うつくしう淋しき虹や秋のくれ  子規

 I went to Fukuoka Airport from Amakusa Airport after the rain. The shaking of the propeller plane is fresh. Sunshine is mysterious over the Genkai Sea. A rainbow greeted me at Fukuoka Airport. When I landed, the setting sun appeared and stood out against the wet runway.


20211110 Fukuoka

離島ブルース 種子島,Island Bruce Tanegashima,孤島佈魯斯 種子島


  鉄砲のとゞかぬ空や鳥帰る 子規

 I stood on Cape Takakura, the southernmost point of Tanegashima. Yakushima can be seen in the west. The Portuguese once landed here and introduced guns to Japan. A monument stood quietly on the shore where they landed. The Tanegashima Space Center can be faintly seen beyond.  


20240211 Tanegashima Kagoshima

富士山嶺 2023,Top of Mt.Fuji 2023, 富士山頂 2023

富士山頂を久々に拝む。「あたまを雲の上に出し 四方の山を見降ろして…」(童謡「ふじの山」)のとおりの眺めだ。この撮影のあとしばらくして初冠雪があったらしい。富士山にも冬の季節が近づいている。美しい風景をしばし楽しんだ。今年もあと2か月半か。

 西行の顏も見えけり富士の山 子規 

I worship the top of Mt. Fuji for the first time in a long time. The view is exactly as described in the children’s song “Mt. Fuji”: “Put your head above the clouds and look down at the surrounding mountains …” Apparently there was the first snow cover a while after this shoot. The winter season is approaching for Mount Fuji, too. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery for a while. Another two and a half months this year.  

久違地參拜富士山山頂。正如童謠《富士之山》 (音譯) 所說的那樣,“讓青玉站在雲上,看著周圍的山…”。在這次拍攝之後,似乎有一段時間的第一場雪。富士山也即將迎來冬季。欣賞了美麗的風景。今年還有兩個半月。

20230920 Above Mt.Fuji

渋谷の空から,Sky on the Shibuya Tokyo,澀穀的天空


 ものすごき空のけしきや時鳥  子規 

I watched the sunset fall into Okutama from 230 meters above the top of a high-rise building in Shibuya, Tokyo. You can see the buildings in Shinjuku Shintoshin and the condos in Musashi Kosugi. Probably the best scenic spot in Tokyo today. Mt. Fuji rises above the Tanzawa Mountains. Beautiful blue sky and sunset. A happy moment.


20220724 Shibuya Tokyo

ブロッケン現象,Brocken spectre,布洛肯现象


Air travel from Sapporo New Chitose Airport to Narita Airport. Luckily, I witnessed the Brocken phenomenon. Brocken’s phenomenon is a phenomenon in which the light from the sun behind is scattered by clouds and fog particles on the shadow side and appears as a ring of light like a rainbow. It is famous as a weather phenomenon in mountains, but it can be seen from aircraft. The name is said to come from the fact that it was often seen on Mt. Brocken, the highest mountain in Germany. It is also known as the specter of Brocken.In Japan, it is called goraigo. I was fascinated by this strange sight for a while.


2019年9月24日 札幌新千歳空港から成田空港への空の上
2019年9月24日 太平洋上空

空から名古屋,the scene of Nagoya from sky, 从天空看名古屋


On a journey from Narita to Matsuyama.It was fine and I overlooked the Nagoya Port well. You can see the Kii peninsula beyond Chubu International Airport.

从成田到松山的旅程。晴朗的天空。我很好地看到了名古屋港。 您可以在中部国际机场外看到紀伊半岛。

2015年1月5日 名古屋上空より

周防大島 /Suo oshima /周防大岛


On the way from Matsuyama to Fukuoka, I saw the Suo oshima from the air. Since ancient times, it has been an important port for maritime traffic. In the Seto Inland Sea, it is very large after Awajishima and Shodoshima.

在从松山到福冈的途中,我从空中看到了周防大岛。 从远古时代起,它就是海上交通的一个重要的港口,在濑户内海它在淡路岛和小豆岛之后很大。

2015年8月27日 山口県 周防大島上空



Seoul as seen for the first time in 30 years right after the opening of the Winter Olympics was a forested high-rise building and developed.


2018年2月10日 韓国ソウル市