たくさんの兵士たちが王宮を守っていた。 皆とてもいい表情をしている。
Many soldiers were guarding the Royal Palace. They have very good facial expressions.

茅ヶ崎夕陽美術館 Chigasaki Sunset Museum 茅崎夕阳美术馆
夕陽と花に魅せられて fascinated by the sunset and flowers 被夕阳和花吸引 Copyright © 2018 CHIGASAKI SUNSET MUSEUM. All Rights Reserved.
たくさんの兵士たちが王宮を守っていた。 皆とてもいい表情をしている。
Many soldiers were guarding the Royal Palace. They have very good facial expressions.
I prayed at the Nirvana Buddha of Thailand, a Buddhist country. The Nirvana Buddha is said to represent the state of Buddha’s extinction as a Buddha statue. Give us great mercy.