ハマヒルガオの季節,Hamahirugao bloom in Chigasaki,濱昼顔在茅崎海岸盛開


 夏立ちし瓶につゝじの花古き 子規

A feature of early summer. Hamahirugao are blooming on the Chigasaki coast. The pretty pink petals are swaying in the wind. The language of flowers is “bond” and “tender love.” This scenery can be enjoyed until around June. Summer is just around the corner.


20230502 Chigasaki Beach Kanagawa

城ヶ島のダイヤモンド富士,Diamond Fuji in Jogashima,城島的鉆石富士


 富士山は毎日見えつ初茄子 子規

I visited Jogashima Island at the southern tip of the Miura Peninsula after a long absence. The view of Mt. Fuji rising sharply over Sagami Bay is superb. It is said that in the past, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo also visited there. I was lucky enough to see Diamond Fuji on this day. A haunting landscape.


20230503 Jogashima Miura Peninsula