希望の夕焼け,Hopeful Sunset,希望的晚霞


 春風や吹のこしたる富士の雪  子規

It rained that day. Rain stopped in the evening and the sky began to shine. For the first time in a long time, I was able to meet the dynamic sky. This gem of a sunset gave me a sense that good things were likely to happen tomorrow.


20230423 Chigasaki Beach in kanagawa

春爛漫吾妻山,Spring has come to Azumayama,春爛漫吾妻山


  風寒し人の陽気にさく桜  子規

The cherry blossoms are early this year. Mt. Azuma in Shonan is full of flowers. Rapeseed, camellia, iris, daffodils, azaleas and cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The setting sun and the sea were visible and the scenery was like heaven.


20230401 Azumayama Shonan Kanagawa