大晦日の茅ヶ崎海岸は空気が澄みきっていて今年最後の夕陽と夕焼けはとても鮮烈な色あいだった。浜辺にはたくさんの人がいて今年最後の夕陽を見送っていた。来年は皆さまに幸多かれと祈ります。今年も幣美術館にお立ち寄りいただきありがとうございました。来年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。大晦日馬に追はるゝ夢見たり 子規
Chigasaki Beach on New Year’s Eve had a clear air and the last sunset and sunset of the year was very vivid. There were so many people on the beach that they watched the last sunset of the year. I wish you all the best next year. Thank you for stopping by the chigasaki Sunset Museum this year. I look forward to working with you again next year.