That is the 3th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites. The Lord is the Eleven-sided Kannon. Another name of this temple is the temple of Ana Zenjo. That is a cave in the vicinity of the main hall, where Koho Daishi practiced once in this cave. Many people are practicing today as well. Sawaganis were welcomed on the pilgrimage route.
四国特別朝圣的第三座寺庙。本尊是十一面観世音菩萨。这座寺庙的另一个名字是穴禅定的寺庙。 这是一个在大厅附近的洞穴,弘法大师曾经在这个洞穴接受过训练。 今天很多人都在练习。沢蟹在朝圣路线上受到欢迎。