I was attracted by the lyrical world of this poem and came to Koijigahama in Cape Irako from Toyohashi by private railway and bus. It is said that Toson SHIMAZAKI created this poem after hearing an episode from Kunio YANAGIDA about picking up a coconut on this beach. I stood for a moment on the beach and thought of the journey of the coconut that washed up from far away. The Cape Irako Lighthouse is close. On the way back, we enjoyed specialty eel and local sake in front of Toyohashi Station.
我被這首詩的抒情世界所吸引,從豐橋換乘私營鐵路和巴士,來到伊良子岬的戀路浜。島崎藤村聽柳田國男講述了在這個海濱撿椰子果實的趣事,創作了這首詩。 我在海灘上佇立片刻,想起了從遠處飄來的椰子果實之旅。距離伊良子岬燈塔很近。回程在豐橋站前品嘗了名產鰻魚和當地酒。