茅ヶ崎漁港,Chigasaki fishing port,茅崎渔港


Chigasaki Fishing Port is located in the center of the Sagami Bay coast, overlooking the Izu Peninsula, Miura Peninsula, and Mount Fuji. In addition to fishing boats, there are many leisure boats and round-trip boats around Eboshi iwa. In the early summer,
False bindweed flowers on the nearby beach are full of flowers. The sunset is also beautiful.

茅崎渔港位于相模湾海岸的中心,俯瞰伊豆半岛,三浦半岛,富士山。 除了渔船,还有许多休闲船和在乌帽子岩周围的往返船。 初夏,在附近的沙滩上浜昼顔开满鲜花。 夕阳也很美。

2019年2月1日 神奈川県茅ケ崎市 茅ヶ崎漁港

春節,Spring festival,春节


Spring Festival refers to the New Year of the Lunar New Year in China and Greater China. The houses and the streets are decorated with red decorations. A firecracket rings, and a lion dance is danced. I enjoyed the Spring Festival in Yokohama’s Chinatown.

春节是指中国和大中华区的农历新年。 房屋和街道都装饰着红色装饰。 一个火炬响,一个舞狮跳舞。 我很喜欢横滨唐人街的春节。

2018年2月17日 神奈川県横浜市 中華街
2017年1月29日 横浜港大桟橋

花水木,Cornus florida,四照花


This flower was born in the United States and resembles Japan ‘s Yamaboshi so alias as “American Yamaboshi”. It also became the title of a hit song of Yo hitoto. It was beautiful shining in the blue sky in full bloom …

这朵花出生在美国,类似于日本的Yamaboshi所以别称为“American Yamaboshi”。 它也成为Yo Hitoto热门歌曲的标题。 它在盛开的蓝天中闪耀着美丽…

2015 年4月27日 愛媛県松山市 道後公園