That is the 20th temple of Shikoku exceptional Sacred Sites.Its principal image is Nishiteru daigongen and its founder was Gyoki. This temple is also known as the So-Oku-no-in of the 88 sacred sites in Shikoku. From Okuboji, I entered the mountains of former Shionoe-cho and bypassed Kabagawa Dam, which was under construction. I kept climbing the slope of Mt. Otaki (946 meters above sea level) until he finally reached Otakiji near the top of the mountain. I can see the mountains of Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture from the temple grounds. Along with the 88 sacred places, all the special sacred places were finally completed. Tomorrow, I’m going to Ryozenji, the first fudasho of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku.
四国特別朝圣的第二十座寺庙。主佛是西照大權現,传说行基是开基的。本寺也被稱為四國八十八處聖地總奧之院。從大窪寺進入舊鹽江町的山中,將正在建設的詹川大壩繞道而行。只顧爬上大瀧山 (海拔946米) 的山坡,終于到達了山頂附近的大瀧寺。從院內可以清楚地看到德島縣美馬市的群山。與88處靈場一起,特別聖地也終于全部結束了。明天前往四國八十八處聖地第一號名剎的靈山寺還願。