That is the 40th temple of Shikoku 88temple pilgrimage,and the first sacred ground of Iyoji “Enlightment hall”. The lord is Yakushi Nyorai which is said to have been carved by Kobo Daishi. This temple was also built by Kobo Daishi by the order of Emperor Heizei.In the precincts there is a monument of Basho Matsuo.This is the farthest from the first temple. I stayed at shukubo.I watched the sunset at Souzu river near this temple.
四国八十八个朝圣的第四十座寺庙。该寺是「菩提的道场」伊豫路的最后的灵场。主佛是被认为是行弘法大师刻的药师如来。在平城天皇的命令下由弘法大师建立。在该区有松尾芭蕉的纪念碑。距离第一个灵场最远的地方。 住在宿坊。我在这座寺庙附近的僧都河上看日落。